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Saturday 14 November 2015

Characteristics of Scorpio / Vrishchika

BPHS: Vrischik has a slender physique and is a centipede rashi. It denotes Brahmins and resides in holes. Its direction is north and is strong during daytime. It is reddish brown and relates to water and land. It has a hairy physique and is very sharp (or passionate).

Jataka Parjata: native born in Scorpio ascendant does action which are foolish, is very fickle, proud, and wealthy, learned, is jealous of the gentle and courteous and loves quarrels and disputes.

Maansagri:  native born in Scorpio ascendant is mighty, wealthy, learned, best in his family, intelligent and is the supporter of all.
Vrischika is totally different from Mesha, though both are owned by Mars. Mesha is movable, masculine, odd Prushtodaya and night sign while Vrischika is an immovable, feminine, even, S'eershoadaya and day sign. ..

No major planet has its exaltation in this sign but Moon is debilitated in it. (Ketu is said to have its exaltation in Vrischika and Rahu has its debilitation in Vrischika
Vrischika is a long sign (Deergha-raasi) while Maesha is a short one. Vrischika is symbolised by a scorpion and is classified as a Keeta-raasi (that is, a reptile sign). Paraasara describes it as a multiped sign of small size (body).
Vrischika represents the genital organ of the Kalapurusha\ being the eighth sign. When the sign has afflictions and becomes the house of disease in nativities, diseases associated with sexual organs are possible.

Vrischika is said to be a sign of secrets and is a difficult sign. It is the second of the Moksha-trikona (Kataka-Vrischika and Meena) is inauspicious for the ascendant~ and it is a Rasi Gandanta (sign-edge). If born in Vrischika sign the native may be a first rate hypocrite or he may be a perfect gentleman depending upon the planetary relations of the sign. Afflictions of the sign would make the native mean and sinful as wells hiding the sins to himself.
As the scorpion the Native may dig his own grave.
The Vrischika Lagna born would be a simpleton with self-respect, rich, hating good people, with cruel and broad eyes, liked by the ruler, wicked and hiding one's sinful deeds; in childhood he would suffer diseases and separating from parents; ·the thighs and calf muscles would be well-formed and the palms and feet would be having marks oflotus; the native would be cruel in deeds and would be of high intelligence
The Scorpions are strong, commanding, intense, passionate and zealous. Driven, dedicated and loyal, they also are ambitious and security-loving. Inquisitive and ready to learn, Scorpio individuals are intelligent, motivated people, who can contribute amply to any project. However, it is noteworthy that if the strength of the Scorpio-born lies in these qualities, his/ her deepest weaknesses too are rooted in them. Scorpio is a very profound and mysterious sign.
Physical features; - Middle stature, well-proportioned body and limbs, broad face, curly hair, dark complexion, prominent chin. They have big teeth, big jaws, fair complexion, medium height and fat body. They are of medium height and possess fat body appearance. They are short tempered, self-confident and courageous people. 
They normally seek jobs associated with chemicals, army and technology. They are also successful in business. They are violent and do not care for repercussions in scuffles and trifles. They sometimes harm their health by addictions. They use rough language and are straightforward in their speech.
People with prominent Scorpio can be very warm and sweet, if left unchallenged and unthreatened. They rather not change their position, but defend themselves if someone tries to harm them. Their tendency to be fixed can make them appear to be controlling, but their true nature is to nurture .just don’t tease them. Temperamentally they are emotional and possessive.
Scorpio shows divine potential. They are cunning. Will have only few friends. These persons may get unexpected legacies and gifts. They have strong sexual urges compared to other signs. They are highly secretive. Trouble in sex and love affairs. Will have many relatives.
Scorpio natives tend to be strong, mysterious and fond of secrets. They are sometimes blunt and stingingly sarcastic, and suspicious. They tend to be quick-witted, and are natural detectives. They have penetrating minds, are practical, and make good detectives, physicians, especially surgeons, are courageous, self-reliant and bold. They tend to be wilful and impulsive at times and angry when provoked. They appreciate luxury, but can be quite frugal when necessary. They enjoy investigating mysteries of all kinds.
One of the major strengths they have is their ability to focus. If a Scorpio-born has decided on something, it’s almost impossible to divert them from their path
The Scorpio-born will never lose their sleep over disruptive times and failures. The Scorpio will take it head on regardless how difficult the situation may seem.
The Scorpio-born are jovial and passionate, but not immature and careless. They are quite mature and balanced, and you will prefer to remain in the company of a Scorpio as they are interesting personalities.
The Scorpio-born are trustworthy and faithful, Power, position and money are the key motivators for a Scorpio. The Scorpio are an ambitious lot. They will aim for the stars and will ensure that they reach there
As the negative or physical side of Mars, Scorpio people are often soldiers, policemen or athletes. They like to use their martial force on a physical level and can be prone to the use of force. They usually have good muscles and like to exercise. When mentally developed they have a good capacity for research and inquiry and may become chemists or surgeons.
General: - Frank, fearless and brusque. Fertile mind, intelligent, will power. Words are well chosen. Do not interfere in others’ matters. Notorious for many outstanding characteristics. It is a sign of dictators, energy inexhaustible. Can never display a superficial knowledge till he thinks he is thorough. Enormous confidence in executive ability. Good conservationists as well as writers and rely too much on their own intelligence. Reputation for secret crimes. Earn wealth through hard work and courage, self-made. 
Take part in public movements, advisor/leader in society, successful in defence or police service, have number of enemies. Makes excellent research worker on original and novel lines. Can do better if left alone to work. Fond of outdoor sports. Can become proficient in music, art, dance, etc. Immense ability for occultism. 
Liable to suffer from diseases of generative organs, prostate glands, bladder etc.  
Fortunate during the age of 29 to 45, suffer from chronic diseases or undergoes operation during the age of 62 to 71. 

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