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Saturday 14 November 2015

Characteristics of Libra / Tula

Libra Ascendant:  Person born in Libra ascendant will be intelligent, will earn through righteous means and be proficient in all types of art forms, wealthy and adored by the people.
Phal Deepika: have slender and weak constitution and will beget few children: will be worshipper of god and brahmins. He will like to roam about and be an astute businessman and will express a balanced view
Hora Ratnam: tall with raddish dark cpmlection and will have attractive works. Will be habitualy idle fickle minded and a harsh person. Intelligentand follow tenets of Holy Scriptures. Honourable person will perform yagnas and endowed with many vehicles, affectionate to his kinsmen
Libra is the positive sign of Venus, cardinal air, the lower abdomen of the Kaal Purush, the scales or balance.
If Libra rises as the ascendant, the Ishta would be mother divine, Goddess Lakshmi
Libra is a moveable, positive, rajasic, tri-dosha, male, talkative, semi-fruitful and biped sign and signifies sense of justice, clarity, strong will-power, optimism and is highly sensitive. Depending on the influences on the ascendant and/or Venus, the sign Libra usually gives their natives a strong sense of harmony, justice, balance, charm and aesthetic sense, making them spontaneous, artistic, charismatic, harmonizing, humanitarian, independent, adaptable, idealistic, talkative, thinker and able of considering different aspects of standpoint and judgment or offensive, inconstant, changeable and indecisive.
Libran natives tend to love justice, balance, art, beauty, and partnerships. They love beauty in all of its forms. They tend to be adaptable, inspirational, and enjoy all things that are of a cultured and refined nature. They tend to be affectionate and dislike discord. Harsh surroundings are anathema to Libran natives. They prefer peace, harmony, and cleanliness. They enjoy pleasures and amusements, rest and recreation, literature, and they strive to be agreeable. They are very fond of fine clothes, jewellery, and general surroundings. They tend to have good mental abilities.
Libra is the positive sign of Venus, cardinal air, the lower abdomen of the Cosmic Man, the scales or balance. It gives leadership, power and command of ideas. It is the sign of reformers, revolutionaries, prophets, idealists and fanatics. Libra individuals have a strong sense of harmony, justice and balance, particularly in the realm of ideas. They want to see heaven on earth. They are sensitive, humanitarian, and excitable and have the power to arouse and influence the masses. Their orientation is often political, in which sphere they often become leaders, even great generals. They love the truth and are devoted to their ideals but may go too far in their zeal and become propagandists.
It is an airy sign ruled by Venus, the significator for materialistic pursuits and comforts. Saturn, the planet of hard work and discipline, is exalted in this sign and the Sun, the significator of vitality and status, is debilitated. If the Sun which rules the soul is involved in this sign which rules luxuries and pleasures, the spiritual development of the person is obstructed and that is why the Sun gets debilitated in this sign. If Saturn is placed in this sign it gets exalted because Saturn ruling servants occupies the sign of luxuries and pleasures. These factors render the Libras a magnetic personality, if Venus is strong.
This sign rules lumbar region and lumbar bones, skin, lower part of large intestine, bladder and inner sexual organs such as ovaries, uterus, testicles and prostate gland. If Venus is strong, the Libras enjoy good health. Otherwise, they are vulnerable to diseases connected with parts ruled by this sign, skin diseases, diabetes, venereal diseases, renal problems, urination problems, arthritis, gout pains, etc.
Possible Health Concerns: Libra natives are prone to back-pain, kidney problems, skin diseases and eczema. The Libra must also be alert about not gaining weight, as they tend to turn to sweets to avoid or get rid of their insecurities. They also must avoid over-indulging in anything, as nervousness and irritability are extremely unsuitable for their delicate constitutions, and may lead them to more serious medical problems. The Libra should guard their health carefully, have a balanced diet and drink lots of water. They should also try to exercise regularly. Yoga and meditation would be very suitable for them

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