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Showing posts with label Characteristics of Scorpio / Vrishchika. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Characteristics of Scorpio / Vrishchika. Show all posts

Saturday 14 November 2015

Characteristics of Scorpio / Vrishchika

BPHS: Vrischik has a slender physique and is a centipede rashi. It denotes Brahmins and resides in holes. Its direction is north and is strong during daytime. It is reddish brown and relates to water and land. It has a hairy physique and is very sharp (or passionate).

Jataka Parjata: native born in Scorpio ascendant does action which are foolish, is very fickle, proud, and wealthy, learned, is jealous of the gentle and courteous and loves quarrels and disputes.

Maansagri:  native born in Scorpio ascendant is mighty, wealthy, learned, best in his family, intelligent and is the supporter of all.
Vrischika is totally different from Mesha, though both are owned by Mars. Mesha is movable, masculine, odd Prushtodaya and night sign while Vrischika is an immovable, feminine, even, S'eershoadaya and day sign. ..

No major planet has its exaltation in this sign but Moon is debilitated in it. (Ketu is said to have its exaltation in Vrischika and Rahu has its debilitation in Vrischika
Vrischika is a long sign (Deergha-raasi) while Maesha is a short one. Vrischika is symbolised by a scorpion and is classified as a Keeta-raasi (that is, a reptile sign). Paraasara describes it as a multiped sign of small size (body).
Vrischika represents the genital organ of the Kalapurusha\ being the eighth sign. When the sign has afflictions and becomes the house of disease in nativities, diseases associated with sexual organs are possible.
