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Sunday 22 November 2015

Characteristics of Sagittarius / Dhanu

Lord: Jupiter
Sanskrit Name: Sagittariusha
Meaning of Name: The Archer
Type: Fire-Mutable-Positive
Gemstone: Topaz
Unfavourable Gem: Pearl, hessonite (gomedh) and lasonia (cat's eye)
Colour: Violet, Purple, Red, Pink
Unfavourable colour: White, steel grey and dull brown.
Lucky Day: Thursday
Lucky Number: 3
Unlucky number: 8
Positive Qualities: Large-hearted, Frank, intelligent, Fearlessness, Self-dependent, Love for nature and travel.
Negative Qualities: Over-confident, Brash, Inconsistent, Lack of focus
Adverse Years: 2, 10, 18, 31, 38, 42
Favourable Years: 9, 18, 36, 45, 54
Nakshtra: Mool, Poorvashada and Uttarashadha (1 charan)
Remedial Measure: Be considerate to wife, fasting on Monday
Compatible Signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo and Aquarius.

Favourable Months: January, February, April, May, August, November, December.
Unfavourable Months: July, September, October.

Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this sign November 23 to December 22 each year.
Greek name for Dhanus, Sagittarius - Toukshika
Under the sidereal zodiac, the sun currently transits Dhanu from 16 December to 15 January (approximately).
Symbol: a creature that is half horse, half archer Guru is connected to the element of space, and the bow and arrow symbolizes the sign's affinity with crossing spaces, and reaching out into new territories.
Sagittarius is a dual sign, it shows two personalities: the animal (horse): (aggressive, rebellious, free-roaming, etc.), and the person: (clever, philosophical, open-minded, honest etc.),
Guru is the Graha for knowledge and expansion.

According to BHPS: The rashi Dhanu rises with its head and is lorded by Guru. It is a Sattvic rashi and is tawny in hue. It has strength in the night and is fiery. A royal rashi, Dhanu is biped in the first half. Its second half is quadruped. It has an even build and bears an arch. It resides in the east, relates to land and is splendid.

Dhanu are opportunistic and full of life. They are generally optimistic and cheerful, and actively pursuing their interests. They are interested in knowledge that can help them progress, and are good at expressing themselves.
Being a fiery sign, Sagittarius natives would be very bold and always aim at higher targets. They are often greedy too. Even in unfavorable circumstance they would be very much steady and would continue their efforts.
A peculiar quality of Fiery signs is that when oppositions increase they (Mesha, Simha, Sagittarius) become more strong and would move forward.
Sagittarius-borns would have interest in higher education. They would also have desire for foreign travel and to communicate with those in foreign countries. Jupiter being the lord of the sign, Sagittarius natives would be of liberal and charitable attitude, optimistic, truthful and with a religious or spiritual bent of mind.
Being truthful, Sagittarius-natives would be quite open and frank and stick on to the straight path only.
They have great potentials, happy and lucky attitude towards life. They are enterprising, logical, leaders, have healthy attitude towards life. They gain popularity through their actions and intelligence. They are optimistic, truthful and generous. They are loyal, independent, modest, and virtuous. They attain their goals in life.
They are usually born in rich families and do not acquire riches by their efforts. They have long faces and necks and other parts of body attractive but conspicuous. They are soft-spoken and quite popular. They stick to their friendship. They are courageous but tolerant. They lose their hair of their head early. They work without thinking of fruits. Even if they are traders they are honest. They are quick to anger; are more idealistic and dominating. They attain rise of destiny at the age of 22-23 years

Teachers, bank employees, dealers in finance, preachers or orators, If Jupiter is strong they shine in politics. Professions connected with publications and editorship.
Sagittarius sign is also associated with physician, medicine, flower, roots, fruits, aquatic products.

The Sagittarius-born natives are mostly strong, and especially in the early part of their lives, normally they don’t have any health issues. But they are prone to over-indulgence, which can lead to problems in their liver. Their hips, thighs, stomach and feet are also susceptible. They should avoid drinking too much, or having a heavy diet. If they can maintain a good lifestyle, they can avoid blood pressure problems or disorders of the liver. They may also experience some problems of sciatica or torn ligament in the thighs. They should drive carefully to avoid accidents.

Sagittarius natives should take special care not to be influenced by lottery and not to give promises beyond one's capacity. They may find it difficult to keep their words.

Satisfactory financial position during the age of 18 to 37, domestic problems during the age of 38 to 47, all round prosperity during the age of 61 to 69. 2, 10, 18, 31, 38, and 42 are the inauspicious years of life.

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