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Saturday 24 October 2015

Characteristics of Taurus

Taurus is a fixed, feminine and earthy sign These qualities gives Taurus special creative nature and this is the reason no planet debilitates here.
Taurus is negative, rajasic, vata, mild, semi-fruitful and quadruped sign.
Taurus is reputed more fruitful than barren, being the house of Venus, who is fruitful, and the exaltation of the Moon.
Taurus is an earthy sign ruled by Venus, the significator for pleasures, materialistic pursuits and comforts.
Bull is seen as a symbol of strength, tenacity, virility, and power. Left alone, a bull will happily graze; but if it is bothered, it will charge!
Similarly, the Taurus personality is thought to be calm and peaceful, but when their anger is aroused, their temper can be wicked. Taurus Natives are often quite disturbed by sudden changes--they prefer their lives stable and secure.
Taurus natives are thought to be persevering, strong individuals, who can also be quite "bull-headed". They can be dogged and determined when they have a goal in mind. Taurus natives are also quite sensual and, often, self-indulgent "beasts".

These natives have a precise and temperate nature. They can be cautious, prudent stable, enduring, fixed in their ways, adaptable and gentle, becoming good planners, good communicators, analytical, straight-forward, persevering, refined, attractive, patient, romantic, kind, sentimental, devotional and charming or forceful, possessive, jealous, stubborn, obstinate, resentful, passionate, lethargic and pleasure-seekers, depending upon the influences on the ascendant.
Taurus rules face and its organs (like nose, throat, mouth, teeth and eyes), neck, cervical region and bones, cerebellum and facial bones. If Venus is strong they possess good health, or otherwise, they suffer of poor digestion.
 Taurus types seek balance and harmony in individual relationships and in their organization of their immediate environment. 
Taurus people are very stable, enduring and fixed in their ways. They have a strong sense of form and beauty and may become artists and poets. They are often attractive, particularly when young, and like to adorn themselves. They can be very possessive and may become businessmen, bankers or accumulate property. 

Ruling Planet
Sanskrit Name
Vrishabha / Taurus
Greek word
Tauros meaning Bull
Greek name for Taurus
Lucky Day
Friday, Monday.
Lucky Number
6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51.
Lucky Color
Blue, Blue-Green.
Fixed  Earth - Negative
Lucky Stone(s)
Compatible Signs
Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Leo
Moon exalts in
Nakshtra in Taurus
Later three charan of Krittika, complete Rohini and the first two charan of Mrigshira Nakshtras.
Sun transits (tropical)
April 20 and May 20 each year.
Sun transits (sidereal)
May 16 to June 15 (approximately).
Strength Keywords
 Dependable  Persistent  Loyal  Patient - Generous
 Weakness Keywords
Stubborn  Laziness  Possessive  Materialistic
- Self-indulging
Adverse Years
1, 3, 6, 8, 33, 44, 52, 61
Favorable Years
2, 10, 16, 18, 20, 22, 36, 40, 56
Neck, Throat
 persevering, down-to-earth, stable, stubborn, possessive, prosperous, dependable, physical, sensual
Name letter 
‘ee’, ‘oo’, ‘ae, ‘ou’, ‘vaa’, ‘vee’, ‘vu’, ‘ve’, ‘vo’

As per Saravali Chapter 48
One born in Taurus Ascendant will be brave, will endure miseries, be happy, will destroy his enemies, will have the tendency of gathering wealth right from boyhood, will have broad and strong forehead, nose, cheeks and lips, be industrious, fortunate, devoted to parents, liberal, will have many expenses, be very short-tempered, be phlegmatic and windy in humour, be the father of (many) daughters, will
insult his own men, be devoid of religion, be interested in women, fickle minded, be fond of food and drinks and be endowed with various kinds of robes and ornaments.

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