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Showing posts with label Characteristics of Taurus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Characteristics of Taurus. Show all posts

Saturday 24 October 2015

Characteristics of Taurus

Taurus is a fixed, feminine and earthy sign These qualities gives Taurus special creative nature and this is the reason no planet debilitates here.
Taurus is negative, rajasic, vata, mild, semi-fruitful and quadruped sign.
Taurus is reputed more fruitful than barren, being the house of Venus, who is fruitful, and the exaltation of the Moon.
Taurus is an earthy sign ruled by Venus, the significator for pleasures, materialistic pursuits and comforts.
Bull is seen as a symbol of strength, tenacity, virility, and power. Left alone, a bull will happily graze; but if it is bothered, it will charge!
Similarly, the Taurus personality is thought to be calm and peaceful, but when their anger is aroused, their temper can be wicked. Taurus Natives are often quite disturbed by sudden changes--they prefer their lives stable and secure.
Taurus natives are thought to be persevering, strong individuals, who can also be quite "bull-headed". They can be dogged and determined when they have a goal in mind. Taurus natives are also quite sensual and, often, self-indulgent "beasts".
