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Saturday 24 October 2015

Characteristics of Mesha Rashi

Alphabets represented by Mesha - Chu, Choo ,Che, Chay ,Cho ,La, Lha ,Li, Lee, Lhi ,Lu,
Loo, Lhu ,Le, Lay ,Lo ,A

Mesha being the head of the Kalapurusha and is the first of the signs in the zodiac; as a consequence those born in this Ascendant would push up to get the first place in-every aspect of life.
As sign no. 1, Mesha gives independence, force, self-expression and a strong personal orientation in life.
Mesha is the positive sign of Mars, cardinal fire, the beginning of the zodiac and the head of the Cosmic Man (time personified - Lord Vishnu), a ram.
Symbol for Mesha
Mesha is symbolized by the ram. The ram represent male fertility, aggression, and courage. Rams butt their heads into their enemies; and Mesha natives are thought to approach life "head-on".
They do not like to be advised and they give top priority to their own opinions.
Mesha means                                       a ram; sheep; a ewe
the sign of the zodiac Mesha
Other Names for Mesha / Aries 
being at the beginning, first, primitive
immediately preceding

( Gk.) the sign Mesha
doing, performing, performance,

a drove, troop (of Maruts)
a driver, mover, instigator, leader
name. of Indra, of Rudra, of one of the Maruts
Aja literally means that which has no birth, and is applied to the Eternal Brahma in certain portions of the Upanishads.
So, the first sign is intended to represent Parabrahma, the self-existent, eternal, self-sufficient cause of all.

a he-goat; a she-goat
the sign Mesha

The glyph for Mesha is a straightforward one -- it depicts the ram's horns.

The persons of this sign as a rule are solitary and temperamental by nature; usually short tempered and impatient in nature. They have smiling faces and are less spoken and are brisk walkers, anger reflects from their faces.
They have ample travels and frequent transfers from place to place in life.
They are straight forward, generous, ambitious, courageous, vigilant for self-respect and lovers of freedom.
Mesha types are dynamic, aggressive, competitive and possess much initiative.
They often live in their heads and can have a penetrating power of perception. They have scientific and logical abilities and may be good at research and invention, the development of new ideas. They are independent, adventurous and skillful in what they do. They are often willful, impulsive or headstrong and can be critical or opinionated.

They are prone to fevers and blood diseases and skin diseases.
They have Muscular body but not bulky. The neck and face would be very long. The head would be a little broad while the cheeks and jaws would be narrow. Eye brows would be good and the eyes would be a mixture of dark, red and brown colors.
They would have strong interest in sports and games, especially those of short duration.

Aries Lagna Personality traits
Aries lagna persons desire to be head of all affairs  according to their own independent thinking and judgement They can guide, control, and govern themselves and others, It is positive sign of Mars gives determination and force of character They act with self-confidence and interest
They have executive abilities and uncompromising spirits It is a movable sign hence they are capable of making changes quite often.
Being a fiery sign they are aggressive and their desire is always to implement their ideas as quickly as possible.
Bad influence make the person somewhat quarrelsome and obstinate

Disease:- Headache, burns, indigestion, swelling, disease of the brain, nervous diseases, fever, bile disease, pimples, ringworm, migraine, malaria, blocking in the veins, these are some of the diseases to which the Maesha sign is related.

Occupations:. Maesha-borns might mostly take up a profession signified by Mars. When Mars is strong and becomes the significator of profession or where the sign Maesha is the second,
sixth, tenth or seventh (tenth of the tenth) house which are related with the profession, the native might take up on the following occupations:
Army, military officer, defence department, police, surgeon,
butcher, barber, tailor, druggist, thief, black-slnithy, baker, watchrepair, watchmaking, dyer, cooks, carpenter, physicians, boxers, advocates, fire-force, rifle, cannon, pistol making and repair, brick
making, mechanic, factory workers, mill workers, washermen, black-magic, wrestlers, detectives, chemists etc.

Sanskrit Name
Greek name
 Kria - Aja - Adya
Meaning of Name
The Ram
Lucky color
Scarlet Red, Yellow, Copper,
Lucky Day
Lucky Number
9, 1, 4, 8, 2, 3, 5
Lucky stone
Red Coral in copper, Ruby, Yellow Sapphire
East Direction
Nakshtra in Mesha
Ashwini, Bharani and first Charan of Krittika
Honeysuckle & Sweet pea
Sun (10°)
Saturn (20°)
Sun, Moon, Jupiter
Venus, Mer, Sat
Lucky Perfume
Dragon`s Blood
Moon` auspicious degree
Inauspicious degree
8°, 26°
Sun transit (Tropical)
Between March 21 and April 21 each year
Sun transit (Sidereal)
From 15 April to 15 May (approximately).
Mesha stands for
beginning of the cosmic evolution
Vitality, Lunacy, Meningitis
Krura (fierce) and masculine sign.
Strength Keywords
Independent Generous Optimistic - Enthusiastic - Courageous Adventurous Energetic Confident Pioneering Dynamic Quick witted.
Weakness Keywords
Moody Short tempered Self-involved Impulsive Impatient Selfish Foolhardy and daredevil

Bad Years: 1, 3, 6, 8, 15, 21,3 6 , 40, 45, 56, 63

Good Years: 16, 20,2 8 , 34, 41, 48, 51
Lagna / Ascendant In Mesha:
Parashara says:
" the natives of this lagna are of middle stature, possess a lean and muscular body. They are neither stout nor thick, complexion is rough and they have a  fairly long neck and face. They have bushy eyebrows and have a sharp sight.
They are active and ambitious, bold and impulsive.
Sometimes on account of a bad influence on Mars, the lord of this lagna, they become rash and aggressive.
With good influences on the lagna they become confident, courageous, enterprising with high aims and also liberal.
They have determination and force of character.
They have executive ability but they make changes often yet are very optimistic.
They are good lovers and have a charm which attracts the opposite sex.
With bad influences on the lagna, they become passionate and jealous and go astray."
Brihat Parashar Hora Shashtra
 In Chapter 4: 6-7 Rishi Parashar  describes Mesha "The Mesha Rashi is blood-red in complexion, has a prominent (big) physique. 
It is a quadruped Rashi and strong during night and denotes courage.
It resides in the East and is related to kings. It wanders in hills and predominates in Rajo-Guna (the second of the three constituent qualities and the cause of great activity in living beings). 
It rises with its back (a Prishtodaya Rashi) and is fiery and its ruler is Mangal."

As per Saravali Shloka 48.3– Ch.6. 

Mesha Lagna Natives are highly susceptible to fire because Mesha Rashi is Agni Tatwa Rashi lorded by an Agni Tatwa graha Mars and yet another Agni Tatwa graha Surya exalts here.
Mesha Natives are fond of visiting foreign lands. As Mesha is a movable (chara) sign so high energy of the sign gives these natives high mobility and also high metabolism. Due to high energy they are skillful, timid and religious. They are fickle-minded and adamant but fond of comforts and luxuries on life.
Sometimes they have ugly nails
The lord himself being a Krura graha keeps the native anxious. They are not happy. They are often troubled by Bilious and Windy diseases, and complaints of heat 
Bilious = Strong Agni. 
Windy is caused by Strong Agni as Agni and Vayu are strong friends.
Derive happiness and wealth in undesirable manners, Brisk walkers

Moon In Mesha:
Aries moon Sign symbol
As the Moon rules the emotional self, so when the Moon is in Mesha it makes them impulsive and enthusiastic. They get bored easily so  they seem to cause confrontations just to keep things interesting. Ntaive with Moon in Mesha has a problem differentiating between a need and a want. If they want it, they feel they need it with all their being. This can be a reason for overspending or other vices. They are charming, even when they are in the midst of a personal crisis that has all their friends scrambling to help. In the middle of these frequent "crises," they seldom feel any concern over the needs of others.
Moon in Mesha Natives are prone to have plenty of crushes and other short-lived yet intense desires.
Moon in Mesha are the kind of persons who isn't likely to sulk if they don't get their way. They also play it straight… they don't go for manipulating others through guile or deception. They have an aura of innocence around them. They can achieve what many other people want, but don't take the chance to get.
They like the idea of having power, and will probably handle it fine, if a little heavy handed.
They take everything personally, but they don't hold grudges. If they feel slighted they will burst out angrily and let those responsible know about it. Their emotions can rapidly change. These emotional outbursts are usually over as quickly as they started.

Mesha Natives tend to calm down as they get older, lives with name and fame. He may have only limited number of children. At the ages of 4,5,7,10,22,and 25, he may get affected by fire, fever, itches, eruptions, small pox, food poisoning and the like.
His death may occur on poomima (full moon period) joined with star 'Rohini' during night due to headache. If Lagna; its Lord Mars, Ayushkaraka Sani and the 8th Lord are well disposed and
strong, he may live up to 100 years.

Famous People with Moon in Mesha:

Marlon Brando, Whitney Houston, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Stevie Wonder, Al Capone, Salvador Dali, Mark Twain, Cate Blanchette, Angelina Jolie

Nakshtras in Mesha:
Mesha rashi specializes in new birth, first arrival, pioneering, innovation, and competitive championship being the first sign in Kala Purusha kundali. Three nakshtra fall in Mesha

First is Ashwini ( also known as Dasra) ruled by Ketu tends to produce physicians and inventors. They have a special understanding of ways in which the inner dynamic energies moves within the outer physical shell .

Bharani ruled by Venus Its Lord Yama tends to produce treasurers, financiers and preservers of worth. They are able to remember, store and produce goods of historical value, including stories and songs. They have earned a reputation for carrying heavy payloads and working to death.

Krittika ruled by Sun  Agneya in the first pada belongs within Mesha rashi. They are reputed to be supremely confident and pioneering in nature, tending toward expressions of Surya such as politics, gaming, and creative arts.

Mangal (Kuja/Mars) = Vitality, Death and Rebirth

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