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Monday 2 November 2015

Characteristics of Gemini / Mithuna

When the Ascendant is Gemini, the native will have small face, pointing towards chin, black eyes and curly hair. He will enjoy association with women and will have thick neck, elevated nose and many friends. He will like to remain indoors
Persons born under this sign are usually slender in built and of average height, or slightly taller. Gemini features are finely chiselled with soft and pleasing proportions. The eyes are light in colour with extraordinary dark and long lashes. The overlook look of Gemini individual is quick, moving and sharp.
The people of this sign usually have thin physique, are tall in height, medium complexion, dark eyes, thin hair. They are generally soft-spoken, with good power of oration.
They have pointed nose and long organs of the body. They are fast at work. As a rule, they are short tempered but cool down quite easily. They can consistently work without feeling fatigue, which adversely affects their health.
Gemini is the positive sign of Mercury, mutable air, the lower neck and shoulders of the Kal-Purusha, twins or a couple (a man and a woman).

Lord of Gemini Mercury is the second fastest planet in the zodiac. And this influence is visible in Gemini natives too, they are quick thinkers. Which makes the best entrepreneur, because these people are able to handle 10 different business at the same time and they handle them well. Gemini people simply love different things and get bored with the routine very quickly.
While they may lay down their life for a charitable cause, they may not understand their responsibilities. However that does not mean that they will not take care of personal well-being or that of family.
They have very good communication skills and are a very intelligent person, but lack concentration and quick decision.
They have effective personality, depicting their intelligence, judicious and humane nature. Their nature is versatile, imaginative, pleasant, thoughtful and adaptable.
They are ambitious, aspiring, and curious to know the results of their efforts immediately. Argumentative, engaged in two or more pursuits at a time.Fond of mental recreations. At times they are restless, anxious, highly strung and diffusive, mentally timid, indecisive and excitable. Love, change and diversity in all spheres to life. They are good advisors and can be relied only in the case of emergency. They are very clever as they are progressive, energetic, inventive, mechanical, and ingenious and have retentive power. They refuse to be bound by rules.

They have good intellects and excellent powers of speech and communication and a good command of language. They make good writers, journalists or poets, or secretaries or computer programmers. They learn quickly, but also forget quickly. They possess quickness and adaptability of body and mind but can exhaust themselves through excessive activity.They are often nervous, restless and agitated
Quick in grasping, learning and acquiring a good education. Lovely and quick witted, sometimes shy or retiring humane, good disposition, but nervous and restless. Admirer of music, dance, drawing, painting, travel and inventions.

Rishi Parashara describes Mithuna as follows:  
 "It rises with its head and represents a male and a female holding a mace and lute. It lives in the west and is an airy rashi. It is a biped rashi as well and is strong during the nights. It lives in villages and is windy in temperament. It has an even body with a green hue like the color of grass. Its ruler is Buddha."    
Budha is the ruler. Mithuna is a airy male and dual sign. Mercury's significations of speech and intellect turn particularly mental in this sign, due to the element of air.
The property of duality adds the capacity to always see two sides of any issue, allowing for great mediating skills on one hand, but indecisiveness on the other. Since dual signs are partly movable and partly fixed, they provide an adaptable quality.
"Gemini"—the third of the Zodiac endows the native with probity, a pleasing, accommodating
disposition, a temper quickly irritated but just as quickly calmed down, showing but little violence
in its outbursts and a great promptitude in manifesting repentance.

They are subject to lot of changes in their life. Enjoy the life to the maximum and suffer continuous misfortunes under the influence of opposite sex and disagreement with the father and family disputes arise.
Health and Diseases: 
The nervous system is a weak area for Gemini Natives, unnecessary and unavoidable worries and anxiety is the main reason for ill health. if they exhaust themselves on a daily basis, you can often see a tremor in their hands. So it is advised they should avoid mental strain, their health will be normally good.  They can maintain their health by rest and good sleep.
Gemini rules over lungs, shoulders and Arms. Pulmonary affections, cold running of nose, influenza, pleurisy, bronchitis, T.B. all are the possible diseases which can afflict him. When Gemini is afflicted defects in shoulders and arms is indicated. Piles, fistula, bladder and kidney afflictions are also denoted.
Gemini Natives have a tendency to develop problems with the chest and lungs, therefore asthma and bronchial trouble need to be guarded against for them.

Lagna Lord, Mercury is debilitated in the 10th house.  This shows a sort of aversion to responsibility and pressure that can make the Gemini person just want to stay immature and foolish and not step up and be powerful and accounted for.
best professions for Gemini natives are brokers, intelligent agents, successful businessman, secretaries and efficient advocates. A good convincing power in one of their attributes and may lead in journalism.

As Per saravali
Chapter 48 Shaloka10-13. EFFECTS OF BIRTH IN GEMINI ASCENDANT. One born in Gemini Ascendant will
have a dear wife, be fond of ornaments, charitable, respectable, will have two mothers, will be
favourable even to his enemies, be interested in music, fine arts, Vedas, Shastras,
amusement, poetry etc., gentle, fond of beautification, be conceit, truthful, impatient, will have
evil sons, be crafty, will have a few relatives, will possess limbs of irregular sizes, will have
round eyes, be fierce in appearance, will destroy even fearful enemies and will be endowed
with lands, jewels, gold etc.


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