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Showing posts with label Characteristics of a Aries/Mesha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Characteristics of a Aries/Mesha. Show all posts

Saturday 24 October 2015

Characteristics of Mesha Rashi

Alphabets represented by Mesha - Chu, Choo ,Che, Chay ,Cho ,La, Lha ,Li, Lee, Lhi ,Lu,
Loo, Lhu ,Le, Lay ,Lo ,A

Mesha being the head of the Kalapurusha and is the first of the signs in the zodiac; as a consequence those born in this Ascendant would push up to get the first place in-every aspect of life.
As sign no. 1, Mesha gives independence, force, self-expression and a strong personal orientation in life.
Mesha is the positive sign of Mars, cardinal fire, the beginning of the zodiac and the head of the Cosmic Man (time personified - Lord Vishnu), a ram.
Symbol for Mesha
Mesha is symbolized by the ram. The ram represent male fertility, aggression, and courage. Rams butt their heads into their enemies; and Mesha natives are thought to approach life "head-on".
They do not like to be advised and they give top priority to their own opinions.
