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Sunday 13 December 2015

Kendra Adhipati Dosha in Vedic Astrology

The word ‘Kendra-adipati’ clearly means ‘lordship of quadrant house’ which are defined as 10th, 7th, 4th and 1st in that order of strengths
Kendradhipati dosha is the blemish of ownership of these kendras and works to negate the natural characteristic of the planet owning the house. If a natural benefic planet occupies kendras (1, 4, 7 and 10) and does not own a kona simultaneously, then Kendradhipati Dosha (KD) occurs. If the lord of such a house in a horoscope is a natural malefic, then the harmful effects come down. Similarly the good effects of the natural benefics comes down a notch.
The ascendant lord is not counted in this equation and continues to be a benefic for the person.
Natural Benefics as lord of Kendras in a jamna kundali given inauspicious results – Jupiter and Venus get most blemish due to this dosha. This is a problem because the malefics somehow do not lose all of their maleficence, but a benefic losing its power is a total bummer for a janma kundali. It is like your trusted adviser or guardian angel suddenly lost his mind and isn’t of much help anymore. Even worse, the adviser now starts working against you in its dasha and antardasha. The problem with Jupiter and Venus is accentuated for Gemini and Virgo, and Aries respectively.

Gemini Ascendant: Jupiter is 7 H and 10H lord.
Pisces Ascendant: Mercury is 4H and 7H lord.
Aries Ascendant     : Moon is 4H lord, Venus is 7th H lord.
Taurus Ascendant: None
Cancer Ascendant: Venus is 4H lord.
Leo Ascendant         : Venus is 10th H lord.
Virgo Ascendant      : Jupiter is 4H and 7H lord.
Libra Ascendant       : Moon is 10H lord.
Scorpio Ascendant: Venus is 7H lord.
Sagittarius Ascendant: Mercury is 7H and 10H lord
Capricon Ascendant    : Moon is 7H lord and Venus is 10H lord.
Aquaris Ascendant       : Venus is 4H lord.

The bad results are felt during the dasha/bhukti of the planet in question. The effects that should be foretold are as per the natural characteristic of the planet as well as the characteristics obtained through the lordship of the houses in a horoscope. The following table provides more details:
Kendra Lords with Dosha
Aries (Mesha)
Moon & Venus
If Moon is waxing, only then there is dosha. Venus is lord of both 2nd and 7th and hence is not just tainted due to Kendradhipati dosha but maraka as well. Venus’ position in any house in the horoscope in its dasha/antardasha will cause problems for the person. The overall effects will be as per malefic characteristics, e.g. reduction of grace, problems with spouse etc. The maraka characteristics are accentuated due to Kendradhipati dosha.
Sun does not get this dosha, neither do Mars and Saturn. Hence, there is no dosha for this lagna.
Mercury itself due to lagna lordship in the horoscope does not get the dosha. Jupiter is tainted badly. Due to Jupiter’s malefic aspect, the person becomes materialistic and loses the ability to bring in pious aspects. There is loss of status and overall honour.
Venus is the lord of 4th house and hence gets this dosha. As explained earlier, this results in problem with spouse and mother – both emotional as well as love related aspects. The person would have difficulty in being committed to a relationship and will have propensity towards extramarital love affairs, especially if there is other malefic influence
Venus is lord of 10th house and hence suffers from Kendradhipati dosha. For details, see above.
See Gemini above. For Virgo, Jupiter is lord of 4th and 7th house.
Moon, only if waxing
A waning moon, i.e. for a birth in krishna paksha, there is no dosha.
Venus is 7th Lord. See the details for Aries where Venus is again both the karaka for spouse as well as the lord of 7th in a janma kundali indicating this karaka. The situation is better for Scorpio persons because Venus is not the single maraka.
Mercury, unaspected by Saturn/Rahu etc.
Only benefic Mercury gets this dosha – that manifests itself in problems relate to communication, skin diseases etc.
Moon – as it is 10th Lord
A waning moon, i.e. for a birth in krishna paksha, there is no dosha.
Venus is lord of 4th house, but is simultaneously lord of 9th in the horoscope. Hence there is no Kendradhipati dosha and at the same time, Venus becomes the best benefic for Aquarians as it is capable of giving Rajyoga without any other help.
Mercury, unaspected by Saturn/Rahu etc.
Only benefic Mercury gets this dosha – that manifests itself in problems relate to communication, skin diseases etc.

Kendradhipati dosha is cancelled if the lord is placed in a trine. The planet gets back its own original characteristic.
They do well if placed in dushatanas as well and this shows that they are treated like regular malefics in the chart. They do well too if they are debilitated too. This is counterintuitive for a student of astrology and hence we must pay attention as per the table above.
I must emphasize on one point though – a lot of importance should not be given to this factor. The beneficence comes down, but does not go away altogether. Therefore, unless the other Karakas are afflicted as well, this dosha by itself will not wreck havoc. As I said earlier in the article, this is like your guardian angle going away. So unless there are other afflictions in the chart, this by itself will not cause problems.

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