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Sunday 13 December 2015

Yogas in Vedic strology

Parijata Yoga
Benefics occupy or aspect the 11th house and the lord of the 11th house, not being combust, is in an auspicious house, in own sign or exalted (Phala Deepika 6/55).
The person will always be celebrating on some account or another. The person gains power and is an owner of a much hoarded wealth, being learned and always engaged in performing auspicious functions, having a large family and be fond of hearing songs

Saraswati Yoga
Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus are in the Kendras or Trikonas or the 2nd house, and Jupiter is strong, occupying own sign, friends sign or exalted.
The person is highly learned, scholarly, very well versed in prose and poetry as also in sacred scriptures and higher mathematics

Pushkala Yoga
The lord of the Lagna and the lord of Moon's placements sign together occupying a Kendra identical with a friendly sign, and the Lagna is under the aspect of a strong planets.
The person is esteemed by kings, wealthy, famous, a good speaker, with many people to look after his/her comforts

Ruchaka Mahapurusha Yoga
Mars in Kendra, exalted or in own sign.
This person is good looking and handsome, with a prominent face, beautiful eyebrows, dark hair and clear, somewhat darkish complexion. The waist is slim and so are the lower limbs.
The person is bold and courageous, full of strength and vigor, and eager to pursue adventurous activities wherefrom name and fame is gained. The person is, of royal bearing and ever intent on combat, the commander of an army or leader of a gang of thiefs and annihilator of opponents. The person has great capacity for discrimination and is devoted to elders, preceptors. The person is well versed in sacred scriptures and lives happily upto the age of 70. The death will come in the vicinity of a temple.
The keynote of Ruchaka Yoga is the energy in action which can brook no resistence but once the adversary is subjugated the victor will be generous
People born with Ruchaka Yoga love conflict, express themselves in perfection only when there are difficulties, show quick judgement, are sensitive to the finer feelings of others and can be very affectionate. They are highly spiritual, but cruel at times, they seek order and discipline, but they love struggle and strife. When confronted with serious difficulties their balance of mind, discriminatory intelligence and inner understanding of the laws of nature blossom forth. They always work from the center to the circumference which introduce the element of polarity or contradiction in their day-to-day living

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