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Saturday 14 November 2015

Characteristics of Virgo / Kanya

Virgo ascendant:  One born in Virgo ascendant will be proficient in weapons handling, fortunate, meritorious and a charming but a passionate and ambitious person

Phal Deepika: Virgo rising in ascendant will have drooping shoulders and arms. He will earn great reputation other than from his own people. His speech will be truthful, sympathetic, and cordial .Learned in shashtras.

Hora Ratnam: proficient musician and lyricist, ardently desirous to beget daughter, strongly inclined to live and enjoy others wealth but will not be comfortable with his coborns

Nakshtra in Gemini: Uttara Phalguni (3 chanran), Hasta (4 charan), Chitra (2 charan)
If Virgo rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be Lord Vishnu. Virgo is a dual, negative, tamasic, vata, female, barren and biped sign
Virgoans are shy and sensitive. They usually walk with a curved neck. Smiling is a peculiar sign of their nature. They are practical, intelligent and love refinement in life
Virgo natives are the organizers of the zodiac. They like order, organization, and value work. Their goal is that of separating the necessary from the unnecessary. They are the sifters of things, people and situations. Virgoans tend to be modest, discriminating and pay attention to details. They are prudent, economical, and concerned about hygiene. They have active minds, are fond of learning, critical, thoughtful, methodical, ingenious, perceptive and intuitive. It is important for them to maintain good diets and overall health regimens. They tend to be cautious, diplomatic, tactful and shrewd.

The sign Virgo is the mooltrikona sign of the planet, Mercury. Mercury governs nervous system, abdominal umbilical region, bowel and intestines. It is a negative, human, earthy and barren sign and rules the power of analysis and discrimination.

Under the influence of Mercury, Virgo types possess good intellects, command of the language and nervous sensitivity, If the sign Virgo rises and Mercury is strong and well placed, a person gets attractive personality and is charming. The weak Mercury gives body with prominent veins, lack of witticism and lack of charm. The weak and afflicted Mercury causes sufferings through nervous breakdown, appendicitis, constipation, etc. Owing to their sensitive and changeable minds and nervous systems, they may become neurotic. They often suffer from a nervous or variable digestion and elimination. They are usually the weakest physically of the signs and can more likely come down with difficult to treat disorders or chronic diseases, particularly problems involving the nervous system. Their body-mind coordination may fail them. Sexually they tend to be shy when young but are prone to excessive sexual activity when older, though it is seldom open or freely expressed. This sign rules the waist, abdominal umbilical region, nervous system, small intestine, upper part of large intestine, appendix and kidneys. If Mercury and Saturn are strong, the Virgos enjoy good health. Otherwise, they become hypochondriac and are vulnerable to overexertion, nervous breakdown, appendicitis, constipation, etc.

Virgo types possess good intellects, command of the language and nervous sensitivity. They make good teachers and have a strong sense of the facts. They also can project the healing ray of Mercury and make good doctors, healers and can be good at yoga

Virgos are often fussy, discriminating and exacting about details and like cleanliness and order. They are helpful and service oriented.
Usually they shift from their place of birth .They acquire estate or property at the fag end of life.

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