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Saturday 14 November 2015

Characteristics of Leo /Simha

Leo ascendant: A person born in Leo ascendant will be fond of enjoying pleasure, will triumph over his enemies, will have slender waist, small family, be enthusiastic and will display velour in the battle field

Phal Deepika: he will possess broad face with prominent chin an radish eyes. He will be egoistic, infirm ad forceful but get raged quickly. He will be fond of roaming around mountains and forests and be obedient to his mother

Hora Ratnam: Broad and strong body, who will attain commendable position in royalty. He be a man of few words yet ready to help others. Will not be much of religious.
Fond of music, literature and will have philosophical bent of mind. This is the mooltrikona sign of the Sun. It is a fiery sign ruled by the Sun, the significator of vitality, intelligence, male progeny, social status and magnificence. These factors render the Leos noble hearts, with character and will power. If
Leo rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata would be Goddess Durga. Leo is the sign of pride, majestic like the animal from which it derives its name.
Leo is a fixed, positive, satvic, pitta, male, benevolent, barren and quadruped sign.
Leo natives are the solar denizens of the zodiac. They like to shine.
They tend to be magnanimous, regal, and philosophical. They tend to be charitable, loyal, inventive, and energetic and have great fortitude, and faith. They tend to have noble dispositions, are forceful, and have high ideals. They tend to be good-natured and have a penchant for leadership. They tend to be ambitious, honorable, determined, persevering, conscientious, and optimistic with a taste for art, power and distinction.
As sign no. 5, it shows a need for order and harmony around a central will and character influence.
Leos are the royal leaders of Zodiac. The 5th in the line of Zodiac, Leos, much like their name, are strong, fierce, bold, courageous and regal in their lifestyles, ways and expression.
Leo individuals possess a strong sense of self, character and will in life. They know who they are and want others to recognize it. They are often proud, bold, ambitious and aristocratic. They respond strongly and personally to things and are dramatic, sometimes vain, in their self-expression. They like to attract attention and may talk a lot about themselves. They like to shine in social situations and may dominate 0thers. They prefer to be the center of attention and value honor, respect and prestige. They are often strong souls and possessed of fine principles and good intelligence. They can be refined in their manners or philosophical in their outlook on life.
Known to be the most authoritative amongst all the Signs of Zodiac, Leos or Lions are often brave-hearts, and their confidence, ambition and positive thinking are exemplary and unparalleled. The word ‘doubt’ or, for that matter, ‘self-doubt’ is not a part of a Leo’s dictionary. Driven and determined, often to the degree of excess, most Leo individuals precisely know what they want from a situation.
Leo born individuals have a great creative urge. Its level and form depends upon the influences impinging on the individual. Often, the urge to create is just for its own sake and not directed to a specific goal. If the creative impulse functions on the physical level, there will be procreation. If the impulse is on the mental plane, there is emotional and intellectual creation.
Astrologically, one finds that Leo ascendants usually feel good, right and happy as long as they are involved in creative activity, whether for themselves, their family or society.
Leos have strong and noble hearts but can suffer from too powerful emotions or too much need for attention. They do not always do well in partnership and tend to form alliances with inferiors or to subordinate their partners to them. They may suffer from their children as they do not always give them enough independence.
If they can control their pride they can develop much power of character that can take them through all the highs and lows of life and grant them a spiritual perception. Inwardly they can development the greatness of soul and character.
As they have a high standard for themselves they can become very dejected if they fail or do not succeed as much as they wish. Such fallen Leo types can be among the most miserable of people
The Leo belongs to the element fire, so do Aries and Sagittarius, but that doesn't necessarily mean Leo is particularly compatible with them - they need to feel mutual attraction, which is something elusive at times. Nor for that matter is the Leo Zodiac sign always incompatible with, say, the water signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, although they are quite different.

Body Parts ruled by Leo: This sign rules upper belly, stomach, spine, spinal cord, back, liver, gall bladder, spleen and pancreas.

Disease: If the Sun is strong, the Leos enjoy good health. Otherwise, they are vulnerable to the diseases of heart, spine, back, bones, spleen, pancreas, liver, stomach, weak digestion, fevers, weak eyesight etc., and lack stamina and will power.
An unhappy Leo may become depressed and as a result resort to overeating causing that feared stomach bulge as well as back pain.

Profession: Leos may join a high service in government which offers security and fixed income, may earn through entertainment, sport, medicine, speculation or scientific pursuits, or may head large organizations, becoming organizers, administrators, contractors, corporators, leaders, politicians, etc. They will like to be self-employed and will not like subordination.

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