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Sunday 22 November 2015

Characterisitcs of Capricorn / Makara


Ruled by Saturn
Sanskrit Name: Makara
Meaning of Name: The Goat
Type: Earth-Cardinal-Negative
Gems: white onyx and moonstone.
Colour: Black, Blue
Unfavorable colour: Yellow and cream
Lucky Day: Friday, Tuesday and Saturday
Unfavorable days: Tuesday and Sundays, Mondays
Lucky stones: Diamond, blue Sapphire and ruby
Lucky perfume: Musk
Metal: lead
Gem stone: Blue sapphire
Unfavorable stone: Yellow sapphire
Lucky Number: 6, 8
Favorable Months: February, March, April, June, July, November.
Unfavorable Months: January, May, September, October.
Most compatible with: Cancer, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Positive Qualities: Faithful, Ambitious, Self-controlled, Determined, Responsible, Sincere
Negative Qualities: Shy, Pessimistic, Awkward, Detached, Self-centred, Gloomy, Stubborn.
Remedial measures: Observe law of the land meticulously
Adverse Years: 5, 13, 27, 36, 57, 62, 67, 72
Favourable Years: 10, 20, 34, 55, 65

Nakshtras: Uttarashad ( three charan), Shravan and  Dhanishta (two charan)
Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this sign from December 23 - January 20th  each year.
Under the sidereal zodiac, the sun currently transits Aries from Jan 15 – Feberuary 14 (approximately)..

Taurus and Virgo are harmonious signs for marriage, friendship and business.

Capricorn is considered the most sacred and Mystic sign of the Zodiac. It is considered as one of the treasures of Kubera, the god of wealth. Mars the karaka of Power is exalted here and Sun the soul gets digbali here.
Interestingly Kamadev - God of love, has the insignia of makara on his standard.

Capricorn is known as the Sign of the ambassador, scientist or priest. Capricorn is quiet, reserved, persevering, ambitious and diplomatic. 

Fear of injury from fire, arms or iron during childhood. Enjoys life during age of 33 to 49, suffers bodily at the age of 50-51. 5, 13, 27, 36, 57, 62 and 67 are the inauspicious years of life.

Earthy sign ruled by Saturn, the significator of dutifulness and responsibility symbolises boundaries and limitations. Mars, the significator of energy and ambition, is exalted in this sign and Jupiter, the significator of fortune and knowledge, is debilitated. 
Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, is gentle and mild (saumya) and feminine having temasic attributes, earthly element, living in the southern direction, powerful during night, roaming in
forests and wilderness and expanding in water.
Capricorn is a moveable, negative, tamasic, vata, female, semi-fruitful, first half quadruped and second half footless sign and if Saturn is weak in the nativity, it signifies tact, cheating, lethargy and melancholic nature. 
The people born under this Sign have a good figure, are beautiful and their skin texture is smooth, have a prominent eyebrow, thin upper lips and a finely shaped chin, deep serious eyes, which can sometimes appear to be cold. Their speech is slow and measured. 

Being the karama sthan  it shows the state of power, order and complete organization. Capricorn is often the lowest and the highest of the signs in terms of achievement in life. It is the sign of practical realization.
The sign Capricorn usually combines diligence and commitment with flexibility and adaptability and renders the natives traditional, level-headed, cautious, thrifty, 

The personal life of Capricorn native is invariably full of turmoil, disharmony and inner emptiness

Health: Capricorn suffers from disease arise by vita (wind). They are prone to suffer from arthritis, rheumatism, Leprosy, Leukoderma, acidity, sciatica, eczema, bone diseases, knee injuries and depression. Capricorn rules the knees, bone joints, knee caps, hair, teeth and nervous system in particular. The accidents from this sign are broken bones, sprains, dislocations and hurts from the knees and below. If Saturn is weak the person born under this sign suffers from the diseases of eyes, throat, teeth, joint pains, general weakness, emaciated body, etc.

Professions: trade in marine products, watery goods, cots, gardening equipment, planning administration, architect, builders, civil servants, dentists, cottage industry.

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