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Sunday 22 November 2015

characteristics of Aquarius / Kumbha

AQUARIUS: The Water Bearer
 Sanskrit Name: Kumbha
Ruled by Saturn and Co - ruled by Uranus
Type: Air-Fixed-Positive
Gems: sapphire and opal.
 Colour:   sky blue.
 Metal:  uranium.
Type: Fixed, masculine
Lucky Days: Thursday, Friday and Tuesday
Inauspicious days: Wednesday and Sunday
Lucky colours: Yellow, red white and cream
Unfavourable colours: orange, green and blue
Nakshtra: Dhanishta (2 charan), Shatbhisha, P.Bhadrapada
Remedial Measure: Charities to poor students
Favorable Months: March, April, May, July, August, October, November, and December.
Unfavorable Months: January, February, June, September.
Most compatible with: Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius
Suitable Profession: Advertising, Interior Decoration, Music Composer

Libra and Gemini are harmonious signs for marriage, friendship or business.
Sign of the scientist or seeker of truth.
Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this sign from January 21 - February 19
each year.
Under the sidereal zodiac, the sun currently transits Aquarius from February 15th – March 15 (approximately).
Prosperity during the age of 22 to 40, chances of injury by arms, iron or wood during the age of 41to 43, fortunate during the age of 44 to 67, suffers after the age of 68. 2, 28, 33, 48, and 64 are the inauspicious years of life.
No planet has exaltation or debilitation in Aquarius. It is the Moolakshethra of Saturn.Rises with its head (sheershodaya), strong during day, short, biped, masculine, tamastic, resides in the west and resorts to deep water. It is airy sign and relates to vegetable kingdom. Represent shudra class, moves about in forests. 

Aquarius is the positive sign of Saturn, yet Aquarius natives are the most self negatives of all the types. On a higher level they have more faith and the capacity to surrender the ego to the Divine. and on the lower level they have more beliefs in others and tend to denigrate themselves towards the ego demands of others.
They are prone to do what they are told not to do and to befriend those whom they are told to avoid. In this way their energies can be blocked, dissipated, confused or darkened.
Aquarians may be accentric and scattered in what they do, unclear as to what they are. They lack charisma and often fail as political leaders to attract masses , yet by their faith and devotion, they are successfulas religious leaders and teachers.

Aquarius is a Movable sign. Complexion is deep brown, medium built. The forehead is small and face less attractive. Their back is wide and sound. They are imaginative, serious and spiritual behaviourists, kind and helpful. The eleventh sign Aquarius is a male carrying an empty pot on his shoulder. It represent the knees of kaal purusha .It resorts to calm surfaces of watery places, those where plenty of grass grows, of birds, of women and distilleries of spirituous liquors and gambling dens.
It is a secretive, introspective and reflective sign. The native is refined, artistic, humane and faithful. He is an intellectual with practical and persevering qualities.

Aquarius native is characterised by camel-like neck, veins prominent and protruding, plenty of bristle-like hair, tall body, slightly abnormal size for feet, and thighs, back side, face and waist defective hearing, interest in others women and other's possessions, ups and downs in wealth and-consequent alternation of luxury and poverty. Interest in cosmetics, flowers and relatives and liking for walking) (Bruhajjathakam XVI-H).

Aquarius natives have a tendency to do sinful deeds and then to keep this concealed to themselves (Pracchannapaapa) and in this respect they resemble Vrischika natives; Vrischika is described as "Chchannapaapa-Rasi" meaning sin-hiding.

A typical Aquarius has the attribute of intense desire to communicate. The native is intellectual and artistic. He loves lecturing to the public. He is a good entertainer and a fine impersonator. His profound mind is best fitted for literary and scientific work. He has originality. His interests are poetry, writing novels and music. 
He is a good manager or inspector. He is good at electricity and electrical work. He hates horror and crime. 

They are interesting and attractive; can be shy, sensitive, gentle and patient or enthusiastic and lively with a tendency to be exhibitionists. They are very supporting with strong convictions and fight for what they believe; are visionary and pioneering. They are generally without prejudice and quite tolerant of others point of view. 

They are good listeners, and care deeply for their friends. They are kind and known to be frank and outspoken. They are refined and idealistic, romantic and practical, personable and amiable person. They can be counted on to come up with original ideas. They will go out of their way to help when needed but will never get emotionally involved. .

Health: Aquarius rules the circulation, breath and eyesight; the bones of the lower limbs. Often suffer disease related with the blood and circulation, with a tendency toward impure blood. Aquarians are prone to hypertension and heart problems. Aquarius rules ankles, circulatory system, allergies, unexpected illness and freak accidents He does not have a very strong constitution. His ailments refer to ankles, swollen legs, bad circulation, cramps, flatulence and nervous disorders. 
To be different from others even in dress, is a characteristic of the Aquarius native.

Professions : Defence department, industry, metals, surgeons, wool, silk, electric equipment, railway, transport, bus, water-based products, fishing trades, laundry, distillation, boat jetty, robbery, murder, atheism, birth and death registration etc. are associated with Aquarius sign.
Aquarius natives, may feel disappointment and tendency to lock up in loneliness if the planets are unfavourable. Loneliness should be prevented and they should never feel frustrated, Under this sign we get railway employees, posts and telegraph 'Radio-Television-engineers, surveyers, reformers, revolutionaries, poets, musicians, astronomers, literary workers, artists and secretaries

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