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Sunday 22 November 2015

characteristics of Pisces / Meena

PISCES:  Antyabha sign
The Fish

Ruled by Jupiter and co ruled by Neptune.
Sign of the poet or interpreter. A Pisces is kind and gentle. Pisces is also sensitive, retiring, often unlucky and melancholy.
A mutable sign.
 A water sign.
 Cancer and Scorpio are harmonious for marriage, friendship or business.
 Gems:  moonstone and chrysolite.
 Colour: aquamarine.
Direction: North
 Metal: tin
Type : Water-Mutable-Negative
Favourable days: Thursday, Tuesday and Sunday
Unfavourable days: Monday, Saturday
Favourable colours: - Red, Yellow, Orange and Rose
Unfavourable colours: while blue, white, cream and green
Auspicious Numbers: - 1, 4, 8 and 9
Adverse Years: 8, 13, 36, 48
Favourable Years: 6, 12, 24, 39, 56
Nakshtra: Poorvabhadra (1 charan), U.Bhadrapada and Revathi.
Favourable Months: January, February, March, April, June, August, November, and December.
Unfavourable Months May, July, September, October.
Most compatible with: Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn
Special Qualities: Always want something new to happen
Weaknesses: You want others to appreciate you
Suitable Profession: Medicine Field
Remedial Measure: Render service to Parents/parents-in-law and aged and needy persons

Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this sign from February 20 - March 20 each year.
Under the sidereal zodiac, the sun currently transits Pisces from March 15th – April 15 (approximately).
Often two marriages, influenced by partner. Prosperity during the age of 27 to 43, suffers during the age of 44 to 60, fortunate during the age of 61 to 69. 8, 13, 36, and 48 are the inauspicious years of life
Complexion is blue, It is footless and has medium built, rises with both head and tail (Ubhaya Rashi) and is strong during night. Resorts to watery places, a watery sign,satvic temperament. It is feminine and belongs to Brahmin class.The twelfth sign Pisces represents a pair of fish dwelling in water. It is feet of kaal purusha. It resorts to places of gods, Brahmins, shrines and rivers and oceans. People born in this sign are sensitive, honest, and compassionate. They love arts and are spiritually oriented, imaginative, intuitive and emotional.

Parashar describes the Pisces: a pair of fish the face of each touching the tail of the other: it is a watery sign and a day sign. It is of Satwa- guna nature, peaceful, moving in water, Brahmin by caste, without legs, of medium body, with abode in the north direction, rising with both parts and is governed by Jupiter. Represents the feet of the Kaalapurusha. They are destined to attain fame and progress due to their own efforts. Meena is a sign of Salvation, philosophic thoughts and traditions. 

The stature is average or slightly above. The body is fleshy or lean. The limbs are agile and the face is large. He has prominent eyes. He is patient, sympathetic, honourable, generous, hospitable, and emotional. He is sensitive and impressionable. He persuades others easily. He is tactful, broadminded, patient, and quiet. He has quick understanding and is willing to learn from others. 
He is interested in archaeology, ancient history, geology, psychic studies, occult, arts, astrology, literature, and philosophy. He is well informed in many subjects. He has great literary powers and abilities.
Pisces Ascendant people are often plump and of average stature because they are a sign of absolute absence of differentiation. It is the only sign of the Zodiac which can take on many different appearances. The eyes are often large, attractive, quite fixed or slow, and almost hypnotic. The whole physique gives an impression which is somehow misty, mysterious, benevolent and quiet. Actually, Pisces' outward appearance is impossible to classify, similarly to their personality which remains completely elusive! 

It is a negative sign of Jupiter. Pisces individuals are emotional, expansive, intuitive and imaginative. They are enthusiastic but not always wisely so. they like to influence others but they are easily influenced themselves and may be vulnerable or impressionable. They are friendly and communicative and thus can relate to a variety of people. They can easily become dependant or make others depend upon them. 
They are aften sentimental and easily moved by feelings, including those that are not genuin.
 they are friendly and compassionate but can be moved by sympathy and pity. When frustrated in life , they often develop self pity.
They are usually attached to the past for good or ill and may accept the value of culture and religion they are born into 
Meena-borns have a tendency to talk about their difficulties and to win the sympathy of others. Also they would frequently consult astrologers.

Health:  do not have a strong constitution. There is trouble with feet. given to boils, ulcers, tumours, mucous disorder, bowel afflictions, cold and chill, bronchial and stomach complaints. Pisces deals with the endocrine system and diabetes can cause severe foot problems as well as other difficulties. Swelling, allergic reaction to drugs, injuries to the feet and related problems are common complaints, but the Piscean emotional nature can also make them vulnerable to emotional illness.

Professions: Under this sign we get heads of departments, organisers, secretaries, literary workers, librarians, sailors, naval officers, caterers, hotel keepers and nurses

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