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Friday 18 September 2015

Sixth House in Vedic Astrology - Bhava VI

Other names for Sixth House: Ari (in mathematics 'Ari" is other name for number 6), Ripusthana, Rin sthana, Rogasthana (Vyadhi Sthana), Shatkona (6th angle)
Important angle of Artha Trine
Dushthan - as the name says Duh means dukh and sthana means place. Papa graha (malefics) = may yield a positive result in dushthamsha. Even neecha graha in dushthamsha can give truly excellent results, under the right circumstances. 
6H is represented by sign Virgo in kalapurusha kundali 
Virgo is ruled by Mercury
karka for 6H: 
6H represents the struggle of the soul on the material path.  It shows the resistance, difficulties, opposition of various kinds, litigation and servitude as 6H is house of service (work). Although these experiences on the inner front help individual to develop his latent spiritual powers. Externally 6H represents fear, enemies, ill health, debt, servitude and the fear of death (doubts about death). We can say this is the house of difficulties.

but its not all bad things allotted to 6H :) Parashar also praises 6H by saying. If Dhan’s Lord is in Ari Bhava along with a benefic, the native will gain wealth through his enemies; if Dhan’s Lord is yuti with a malefic, there will be loss through enemies apart from mutilation of shanks.
  "When Dhana's lord is in Ari Bhava along with a benefic, the native will gain wealth through his enemies." - satru-mooladdhana yoga (BPHS Ch. 24, shloka 18)

6th is also the house of punishment, depending on whether the work performed is
good or bad, as per the principle - "Tanau Tanah Danda Hara" (6th and 11th (Tanau Tanah
means 6th to 6th) are the houses of punishment and reward), wherein 'Danda' means
punishment and 'Hara' means gaining victory. The Lord gains victory over the person by
showing him the rewards. However, the amount of punishment and reward to be meted out
to a person is purely the knowledge of God as it is only he who can determine it.
The 6th is the 3rd from 4th, which is the house of mother. Hence maternal uncles are seen
from the 6th house.
6th is the house of enemies. The strength and weakness of the enemy is to be seen from
here. It is considered always good to have a weak or debilitated 6th lord as it indicates that
the enemy is weak and could be won over. However, to defeat the enemy the person would require a strong 7th house.
The 6th is also the house of service. This determines whether the person would be a
'karmayogi' or not. It also determines whether the person would render service or would run
a business and in what manner and circumstances. To determine the karma of the 6th
house it is important to study the 10th from it i.e., the 3rd house (Bhavatbhavam principle)
which determines the karma of the service rendered by the person. "Shramdan" (rendering
service in terms of physical labour in temples or places of worship and worship to "Shani" -
the lord for labour) will rectify afflictions to the 6th house.
The 6th also happens to be the 2nd from the 5th house, which is the house of children. It,
thus, sustains the life of the child. The food habits and type of food eaten by the child can
be estimated from the 6th house.
The 6th house indicates servants too. It also indicates whether the person himself will do his
work or will get done from the servants. Even the faithfulness/morality of the servants could
be determined from the 6th house.

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