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Tuesday 15 September 2015

Fifth House in Vedic Astrology - Bhava V

The Fifth House is ruled by Leo and the Sun
Jupiter is the Karak planet
Other Names for 5House:  Putra Bhava - House of children, Vidya * Mantra *
 "creative intelligence" Santana * Suta * Buddhi *Children * Genius * Creation * Intelligence * Ideals * Shruti – Samriti *
The 5th house is called the house of putra or children and bhoga or pleasures.
house of creativity, faith, rest and enjoyment: child’s play.

The child’s domain: think of the attributes of children. The domain of the intellect.
Malefics present in 5th House tend to give memory loss.
The 5th house is called the house of putra or children and bhoga or pleasures
5th and 9th Housea are considered the luckiest and best houses of the chart
The ‘ISTA DEVATA’ could be traced through this house.

Sun: Vishnu;
Moon: Saraswati;
Mars: Hanuman;
Mercury: Vishnu;
Jupiter: Brahma – ‘Granthas’, The three Dieties;
Venus: Durga;      
Saturn: Siva and Bhairava.
5 H is ‘pointer’ for holding strong power – of a minister- advisers, leaders of society, working with community-empowered projects.
The 5th house is the 12th to the 6th house of work and service and thus the 5th “undermines” the 6th house i.e negates the hard work, physical exersion and efforts and shows rest, relaxation, pleasures, gratification of senses, amusement and entertainment.

The 5th house is a trinal or trikona house and as such is a member of the Dharma House Trine - 1, 5, and 9 also called Panfar bhava
Fifth house is called Trikona and 9House is called Tritrikona
The 5th as an extension of the Lagna and self (Trine to any bhava is a support to that bhava)represents the intelligence and resources of the mind (2nd house to the 4th house of mind represents resources of the mind i.e the intelligence). The highest form of intelligence is intuition, a high intuitive ability and intelligence is conferred by a fortified 5th house.
The 5th and 9th house has religious undertones being The Dharma Trine but there is a distinction between the 5th and 9th in this regard – the 5th uses the intellect (gnana) and expresses in mantra
recitation, chanting and scriptural studies while the 9th uses the religious action (bhakti love and dharma virtues) and expresses in religious rituals, pious duties, religious virtues and deeds.
One of the most procreative nakshtras is Purva phalguni located in Leo which is called the marriage
nakshtra because of its procreative and romantic nature. The animal symbol of the earlier nakshtra Magha is the rat, a procreative animal with a high litter.
Leo as the 5th sign of the Kalapurusha and the first fire element sign in the trine is rightfully called the sign of creativity and reproduction. The Sun is the life giving principle which endows living beings with liveliness and life force animating cold blooded reptiles with warmth to circulate their blood and providing chromo-therapeutic essence to humans as well as aiding process of photosynthesis in plants. The Sun thus provides the bubbly and sunny disposition to be the center of attraction and livewire of the party and amusements.
5th house is house of faith, belief, trust and hope.The other aspects of chance like risk taking,
exploration, adventures are also placed in the 5th house. It also provide the components or basis for
the gambling, betting, speculation and chance activities. Natives with strong 5th houses often demonstrate an iron belief in the future and positive hope.
The 5th house is the 1st of the triumvirate (तिकड़ी) of trinal houses 1, 5, 9 which impacts favourably on the Lagna. Both the 5th and 9th are considered religious houses favourable to the self and
community at large. The 5th emphasizes the religious rituals, mantras, yantras and various forms of religious practices.
5th House enhance and strengthen the Lagna because the 5th house represents kingship, favour of the government and authority figures, intelligence, enjoyments, religiosity.

"Prarabdha is that portion of the past karma which is responsible for the present body. That portion of the sanchita karma which influences human life in the present incarnation is called prarabdha. It is ripe for reaping. It cannot be avoided or changed. It is only exhausted by being experienced. You pay your past debts. Prarabdha karma is that which has begun and is actually bearing fruit. It is
selected out of the mass of the sanchita karma." (From "All About Hinduism" by Sri Swami Sivananda)
The 5th being 12th negation to the 6th house of infirmities and enmities. The 5th house assist to defray debts, cure ailments and reduce the affliction of hidden enemies. The fact that the 5th is an antidote to the afflictions of the 6th house indicates its beneficence. 
The only blemish here is the difficulties with work and service (job) due to its negation of the 6th.
Politics, kingship, conferment of power is another attribute of the 5th house as 5th sign of the Kalapurusha is Leo - the lion king of the jungle.
5th house being 8th from the 10th house gives fall from high office or position of power.
The 5th house is strongly associated with the parampara tradition of transmission of teaching from Guru to sisya or mentor to disciple.
5th house linked to planets of Jupiter (knowledge), Mercury (intellect) or Kethu (intuitive insight) 
(directly or indirectly ) indicates potential and interest in astrological knowledge and understanding.
5th is the 11th(gain) from the 7th(partner/Marriage) and thus means gain or profit from the partner or spouse in the form of progeny.
The placement of different planets in 5th are as follows:
Sun - Indicates anger during child birth, struggle in the middle life, living in loneliness, love for
Moon - Love for mother, love for motherland
Mars - Love for co-born(s), knowledge of tactics of war, love or adept in arms, martial arts, sports
and anything where aggression is required. Also indicates a good cook. Knowledge of surgery. It could also indicate ceasarian child birth (during such times Hanuman Pooja is suggested and 'Pitavastra' - yellow cloth is placed near the place of birth to pacify the effects of Kuja), but Jupiter's presence would stop ceasarian and will allow a normal birth.
Mercury - Very intelligent, love for knowledge and intelligence, love for children, accomplished in
accounting and trade and commerce.
Jupiter - Love for son, fond of supreme knowledge including vedic knowledge, fond of teaching,
learned in law and could be a judge, very divine.
Venus - Love for daughter, fond of worldly pleasures, love for conveyances, love for travel, love for
Summary of 5th house significations – matters of the heart, infatuation, liking, intelligence, intuition, insightful, politics, kingship, religious rituals and mantras, speculation, gambling, betting, creativity, self expression, procreation, reproduction, children, faith, belief, trust, sports, pastime, hobby, fun, party, function, feast, rest, relaxation, amusement, entertainment, talents, performing arts, arts, beauty, aesthetics, denial of debts, disease and enmities, sexual, pleasures, commission.
Body parts and Health issues represented by this house are about heart, liver, gall bladder, stomach, and pancreas i.e. most of the digestive organs of our body, Belly disease.
5th house adjectives are heartfelt, intelligent, intuitive, pleasurable, enjoyable, speculative, chancy, heartfelt, infatuated, likeable, loving, lovable, creative, procreative, sexual, amusing, entertaining, fun, relaxed, restful, casual, artistic, aesthetic, beautiful, talented, political, regal.
Jobs related to the 5th house are artist, intellectual, hedonist, speculator, risk taker, commission earner, broker, entertainer, performer, beautician, painter, decorator, politician, manager, athlete, sportsman, creative artist

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