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Saturday 19 September 2015

Seventh House (7H) in Vedic Astrology - Bhava VII

7H in kalapurush kundli is represented by the sign Libra (Tula)

karka for 7H - Venus
Other Names for 7H - kalatra BHava, Yuvati House, Jaya Bhava, Vaanijya Bhava, Jamitra Bhava and Maraka Sthana(being 12th to eighth)
 Also called Asta Bhavana (any house 7th from a planet is asta bhavna for that planet).
7th Bhava is  the bhava of associations,  the bhava of unity & togetherness and self-reflection; harmony, complementation and opposition.

The 7th house represents Bhu loka (earth) or Mrityu loka, as it is the source of all desires, which causes rebirth, and entraps the soul in bondage in this earthly sphere. Bhu loka is characterised by violence and fighting and is ruled by Mars and represents the Mooladhara Chakra of the human body. 
Important House of third Trine i.e. Prakriti trine or Kama Trine
As opposite the ascendant, it shows intense interactions where there is mutual benefit and mutual need. 
its the The desires of the seventh house are not necessarily sexual or romantic, they are also related to business and any situation where two people have an equal investment in each other.
The 7th is the mirror of reflection to the Ascendant and thus connotes and implies all forms of contemplation, self-reflections, mirrors, simulations and the shadow side. Thus, a characteristic of the 7th house is being self-reflective, contemplative, artifice and simulating.

The 4 kendras or angles of the chart are the foundation or cornerstones of a human life namely the 1st represents the self, the 4th the home and domestic peace, the 7th the marital life and the 10th the career and reputation.
The 7th house is the 1st house of the upper hemisphere of external interaction (the 1 to 6 houses are about internal interaction), furthest from the Lagna and is the mirror reflection or diametrical opposite of the Ascendant. This polarity and the ancient view that after the hard work of the 6th house, the man will return home to expect his spouse to prepare dinner initiates the 7th house  shows strength and opposition
It signifies partners or opponents in a contest. The 7th house indicates all forms of associations and partnerships whether marriage, the marital state, weddings, intimate relations, partnerships, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, unions, co operations and co-ordinations and all forms of relationships and social interactions
Associations especially on a one on one basis or group on group basis are also seen in the 1-7
house polarity i.e. the astrologer-querent, patient-doctor, banker-client, trader -customer, mentor-mentee, teacher-student and depending on who ask the question in a prashna/horary question, will determine who is the 1st house and who is the 7th house. As the principal house of polarity, the 7th house indicates either opposition or complement/harmony.

7th House indicate Husband, wife, partner, lover, marriage, partnership, sexual affairs, medium-term desires, business partner, co-operation, trade, commerce, travel, journeys, litigation, living abroad, nature of spouse, relationship with all others, the world at large as seen by the native, happiness from children. First Spouse, Law Courts, Contracts, Legal Bondage, government agencies, Career, timing of Death, Mother's fixed property, Polarity to the Self, Uterus/Groin, Second child, Moving House, Erosion of longevity, Opposites
Libra’s balance scales are the trade scales of the merchant in the retail shop.

The seventh house is also a death house, (maraka) an area where we can expend / waste our energy and have a lot of attachment.

One of the seldom stated significations of the 7th house is domicile in a foreign land. Foreign travel and migration tends to be associated with the 3rd as short travels, 9th as long distant travels and pilgrimage and 12th as migration to a foreign land. An addition to the multi-dimensional aspects of travel is the 7th house by dint of its being furthest from the Lagna thus implying places far away from the birthplace. Some astrologers state that strong links of the Lagna to the 7th indicates prosperity will be found in a land far away from the birthplace.

Activities: Sexual relations. Business negotiations. Diplomacy. Enjoyable conversations with others. Debates. Respecting others’ points of view. Tolerance.

Body parts: basti area, colon, internal sexual organs, bladder and kidney. The genitals perform three functions of sexual organs, organs of retention and organs of release.

Family members: husband, wife, second child, third younger brother or sister.

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