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Sunday 20 September 2015

Planets and its Significations in Vedic astrology


(1)The soul (2)power (3)Father  
(4)fortress (5) good strength (6) heat 
(7)splendour (8)fire (9)worship of Siva 
(10)courage (11)thorned trees (12)being in royal favour 
(13)bitterness (14)old age (15)cattle 
(16)wickedness (17)land (18)father 
(19)taste (20)self-realisation (21)skyward look 
(22)one born of a timid woman (23)world of mortals
(24)square (25)bone (26)valour (27)grass 
(28)the belly (29)strenuous effort (30)forest 
(31)half a year (32)eye (33)wandering over the mountains 
(34)quadruped (35)king (36)travelling (37)dealing
 (38)bite (39)scorch (40)circular shape


(1)Mother (2)flower (3)good perfune 
(4)going to a fortress (5)disease (6)Brahmin 
(7)idleness (8)Phlegmatic humour (9)epilepsy 
(10)enlargement of the spleen (11)mental disposition
(12)heart (13)woman (14)virtue or vice (15)sourness 
(16)sleep (17)happiness (18)any thing like water 
(19)silver (20)thick sugarcane (21)typhoid 
(22)travel (23)well (24)tank (25)mother 
(26)impartiality (27)mid-day (28)pearls 
(29) consumption (30)whiteness (31)waistband 
(32)bell-metal (33)salt (34)short stature (35)mind 
(36)ability (37)pond (38)diamond (39)winter season 
(40) a break of 48 minutes


(1) SPORTS (2)land (3)strength 
(4)carrying arms for the battle (5)Kingship 
(6)loss of verility (7)thief (8)battle (9)hostility 
(12)love for deep red colour things 
((13)owning a garden(14)sound of a trumpet 
(15) affection(16)quadruped (17)king (18)fool 
(19)anger (20)going to a foreign country 
(21)firmness (22)supporter (23)fire (24)controversy 
(25)bile (26)heat (27)wound (28)service under a ruler 
(29)day (30)sky (31)seeing (32)shortness 
(33)disease (34)fame (35)tin (36)sword 
(37)lance or spear (38)minister (39)fracture of a limb 


(1)education (2)‘horses (3)treasury (4)mathematics 
(5)wisdom (6)speech(7)Brahmin (8)infantry (9)writing 
(10)new garment(11)palatial building (12)green colour 
(13)sculprure (14)astrology (15)pilgrimage to holy places
(16)wise lectures (17)temple (18)trading (19)best ornaments 
(20)courteous speech(21)Vedanta philosophy 
(22)maternal-grand-father (23)bad dreams (24)eunuch 
(25)facing North (26)skin (27)wet (28)bell-metal 
(29)renunciation (30)Ritu (31)a beautiful house 
(32)doctor (33)neck (34)influencing through recitation of mantras 
(35)child (36)crooked look(37)heaven (38)modesty 
(39)paternal relation (40)fear


(1)Son/Daughter (2)Guru (3)one’s duty(4)Chariot (5)cow 
(6)infantry (7)savings(8)Meemamsa (9)treasure 
(10)horse (11)curd, etc. (12)large body (13)Valour 
(14)reputation (15)logic (16)astrology (17)son 
(18)grandson (19)dropsy(20)wealth of elephants 
(21)philosophy (22)great grand-fathers (23)palacial house 
(24)gems (25)eldest brother (26)grand father (27)Lord Indra 
(28)cold season(29)wrath (30)jewel (31)merchant 
(32)physical health (33)a beautiful mansion (34)royal honour 
(35)thigh (36)Gods (37)penance (38)charity
(39)religious duty (40)helping others


(1)Partner/Lover (2)a good chowrie (3)garment (4)marriage 
(5)income (6) a biped (7)woman (8)Brahmin (9)Subha 
(10)Whiteness (11)wife (12)sexual happiness (13)short 
(14)sour (15)flower (16)command (17)fame 
(18)Youthful vigour (19)Vehicle(20)silver
(21)South-East quarter (22)saltish(23)ogling 
(24)scratching (25)half a month (26)the quality of passion 
(27)strong (28)pearl (29)Yajur Veda (30) Vaisya 
(31)beauty (32)buying and selling (33)love-making 
(34)watery resort (35)elephant (36)horse (37)variegated colour 
(38)poetry (39)dancing (40)middle age


(1)laziness, etc.(2)obstruction(3)Older People (4)elephant
(5)skin (6)gain (7)proof or wittness (8)distress (9)sickness (10)misunderstanding (11)misery (12)death 
(13)happiness through a woman (14)maid servant 
(15)asses and mules (16)outcaste (17)one with disfigured limbs
(18)haunting woods (19)handsome look (20)gift (21)a lord
(22)a portion of life (23)eunuch (24)one born of the lowest caste (25)birds (26)the three sacred fires (27)a servile duty (28)unrighteous conduct
(29)one without manliness (30)telling lies (31)long lasting (32)wind  
(33)old age (34)tendons and muscles (35)strong at the end of the day
(36) Sisira Ritu or winter (37)great-anger (38)exertion
(39)born of a very low mother (40)bastard


(1) Umbrella (2)Chowrie (3)kingdom (4)gathering (5)fellacious argument (6)hurting byspeech(7)downcast(8)wicked woman
(9)decorated vehicle (10)an irreligious man (11)gambling
(12)strong at twilight (13)intriguing with a wicked woman
(14)going abroad (15)impurity (16)bone (17)enlargement of spleen (18)falsehood (19)downward look (20)perplexity (21)emerald
(22)facing the Southern quarter (23)shelter of outcaste or low people(24painfulswelling (25)a big forest (26)wandering in rugged places (27)mountain (28)pain (29)staying outside (30)tending towards South-West (31)wind (32)phlegm (33)sorrow (34)serpent (35)night breeze (36)sharp (37)long (38)reptile (39)reading of dreams (40)travel


(1)Worship of God Chandeesa, God Ganesha and many other gods 
(2)doctor (3)dog (4)a cook (5)vulture (6)salvation (7)all kinds of wealth
(8)consumption (9)pain (10)fever (11)bathing in the Holy Ganges
(12)great penance (13)wind (14)a Hunter (15)friendship 
(16)conferring of prosperity (17)stone (18)wound (19)witchcraft (20)inconstancy (21)knowledge of Brahma (22)belly (23)eye-sore 
(24)stupidity (25)thorn (26)deer (27)knowledge 
(28)observingsilence as a fast (29)philosophy (30)all sorts of luxuries 
(31)luck (32)trouble from enemies (33)loss of appetite
(34)indifference to the world (35)paternal grandfather (36)hunger
(37)severe stomachache (38)boil sand the like skin troubles
(39)revoking the orders of arrest and (40)the association of Sudra.

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