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Showing posts with label The four cadent houses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The four cadent houses. Show all posts

Thursday 27 August 2015

Cadent house

In Jyotisha 12 signs of the horoscope are divided into three segments of four quadrants 1-4-7-10 / 2-5-8-11 and 3-6-9-12. In this 1-4-7-10 are Angular houses, 2-5-8-11 are Succedent houses and 3-6-9-12 are the Cadent houses. Each quadrant starts with an angular house then there is Succedent house, and finishes with a Cadent house. Angular houses are most powerful of the three types and Succedent being somewhat less powerful and lastly the Cadent houses least powerful of the batch. There are four quadrants in an astrological chart, providing four angular houses, four Succedent houses and four Cadent houses. We can say Cadent is a term used to refer to the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses in an astrological chart.
