First House / Bhava-I in Vedic Astrology:
Other names for 1st House: - Lagna (Sanskrit लग्न) or Ascendant - Udaya Lagna - Tanu Bhava -The Rising Sign - Kendra Bhava - Trikon Bhava - Angle.
The First House is ruled by Aries and the planet Mars. It is the most Important house of the horoscope.
Mercury and Jupiter gets Directional strength in the 1st house as they allow us to most easily gain wisdom(Jupiter) and adjust (Mercury) to the 1st house experience

The First House is ruled by Aries and the planet Mars. It is the most Important house of the horoscope.
Mercury and Jupiter gets Directional strength in the 1st house as they allow us to most easily gain wisdom(Jupiter) and adjust (Mercury) to the 1st house experience
1st Bhava in Vedic astrology shows * vitality *
biological life * nature of the individual.
It is the physical body and its expression into the world.
It is the physical body and its expression into the world.