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Showing posts with label Effect of Planets in Different Rashis /Signs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Effect of Planets in Different Rashis /Signs. Show all posts

Friday 27 November 2015

Effect of Planets in Different Rashis /Signs - Sun in different signs

Planets in the different Signs of the Zodiac As Per Brihad-Jataka of VarahaMihir

Sun in different Signs

Sun in Aries: A person born with the Sun in Aries but not in
its exaltation degree will be of wide-spread fame, ability of wandering habits, possessed of small wealth and will carry weapons.
A person born with the Sun in the exaltation degree will be very rich, will remain forever in a place, will have servants carrying arms, will be of great fame and ability.
Sun in Aries will grant authority be famous in arts, fond of combat or competition, will be fierce,
attached to his duty or engagement, fond of roaming around, will have strong bones, will do good,
will be valorous, and strong.
He may become a significant leadership personality. He may receive from other highly placed personalities, and will have wisdom.
This placement gives the ability to doctor, or ability in politics."
Person is strongly decisive and receives much praise. However less inclined toward forming complex relationships, since the focus of this placement is powerfully vested in the Self.

Sun in Taurus: A person born with the Sun in sign Taurus will deal in clothes, perfumes and other articles, will hate women and will be skilled in music, vocal and instrumental.

Sun in Gemini: A person born with the Sun in sign Gemini will be learned in grammar, will be. an Astrologer and will be rich.

Sun in Cancer: A person born with the Sun in Cancer will be independent and fierce, poor, will do the work of other people and will suffer from the fatigue of foot-journey

Sun in Leo: A person born with the Sun in sign Leo will be fond of living in forests, mountains and cow-sheds, will be powerful and will be a fool.

Sun in Virgo: A person born with the Sun in sign Virgo will be skilled in writing, painting, in literary productions, in mathematics and in worldly knowledge, and will possess a body resembling that of a woman.

Sun in Libra:  A person born with the Sun in sign Libra will be fond of liquor or will manufacture it, will be of a wandering nature, will be an alchemist and will do wicked deeds.
The Sun is badly damaged in the rashi of his enemy Shukra. Native is associated with jealousy .
Unless Sun is rescued through Neecha-bhanga, the native may be blamed for moral incompetence, lack of leadership capability, and pursuing sensuality when ethical integrity was needed.
Sun in Libra has the  ability to compromise and get along with people. Agreeable, flexible, non-confrontational. Will compromise extensively in order to achieve harmony
When reversed through neecha-bhanga , Libra Sun becomes capable of the highest levels of executive leadership and extraordinary moral judgment.

Sun in Scorpio: A person born with the Sun in sign Scorpio will be of a fierce nature, will thoughtlessly engage in work, will earn money by acts connected with poison and will be vastly learned in the use of arms.

Sun in Sagittarius: A person born with the Sun in Sagittarius will be respected by sages, will be rich and independent and will be learned in medicine and sculpture.

Sun in Capricorn: A person born with the Sun in sign Capricorn will engage in deeds unsuited to his rank in life, will be ignorant, will deal in mean articles, will possess small wealth, will be avaricious and will enjoy the property of other men.
NOTES - (a} According to another reading, his earning will become useless to him.

Sun in Aquarius: . A person born with the Sun in sign Aquarius will engage in deeds unsuited to his rank in life, will be poor and will have no sons and no property*

Sun in Pisces: A person born with the Sun in sign Pisces will become rich by dealing in the produce of water, will be respected by women. The person will also possess a mole or other marks in the part of body corresponding to the sign occupied by the Sun and the Moon together at the time of his birth (vide. Stanza 4, Ch. I.)
