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Showing posts with label Basic Physical Features of Planets in Sloar Syatem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basic Physical Features of Planets in Sloar Syatem. Show all posts

Friday 15 April 2016

Basic Physical Features of Planets in Sloar Syatem

The Sanskrit word "Graha" is often taken as the equivalent of the English word planet. The deeper meaning of the word "Graha" refers to an entity that has the power to "seize, lay hold of, or grasp". Therefore, Graha means “to grasp” meaning the planets possess, or take hold of us.
Graha therefore goes beyond the word planet and describes the ability of celestial events to either influence or predict occurrences on earth. The Grahas are divided into two groups, according to their general nature. The Sanskrit terms used to name these two groups are “Saumya” or benefic and “Krura" or malefic. The Waxing Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are known as benefices. The Sun, Saturn, Mars, Waning Moon, Rahu and Ketu are classified as malefic.
The nine planets (seven planets and the lunar nodes) have specific meanings, and significations. They are the key indicators of people and different attributes or qualities we have. Understanding the true significations of the planets in our lives will bring a higher consciousness, releasing us from their grasp or hold on us.
