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Showing posts with label Astrology in Vedas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Astrology in Vedas. Show all posts

Sunday 18 October 2015

Veda And Conception Of Houses in Vedic Astrology

Disclaimer: ( copied this article from somewhere from internet sometime back but now i don't know the original sourcebut since its really good article so I am sharing with you all. the credit is of the author only)
We have seen elsewhere how the rationale behind the allotment of Moksha to the 12th house under the astrological principles adumbrated by Maharshi Parashar conform to the spiritual principle laid down in our highest spiritual literature i.e. the Vedas and the Upnishadas. We have also seen how the rationale behind the allotment of a specific degree of a specific sign as the exaltation point for a planet conforms to the spiritual concepts of the Vedic lore.
In this chapter we propose to study the house of Moksha or liberation i.e. the 12th house in a horoscope. It would be a study of the mutual relation of the 12th house with the other houses of the horoscope. The study will thus be basically astrological in nature, but the aim will be to show how this relation derives its rationale from the spiritual principles. It is reasonable to argue that if astrology has taken its basic and fundamental principles from the Vedas, these principles _when studied in the horoscope must conform to the spiritual principles of the Vedas.
