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Wednesday 27 April 2016

Panchang - Calculation and use of Nakshtra

Astronomy has been studied in India from time immemorial. The earliest Indian astronomy is preserved in Vedas and Vedang-Jyotisha. The time of composition of these works range from 2500 B.C to 500 B. C.
The Rig-Veda, divides the path of Sun into 12 and 360 divisions. The Moon`s path was likely divided into 27 parts of 13° 20’ each. The stars lying near the moon`s path were also divided into 27 (or sometimes 28) groups and each is called a nakshtra. Nakshtra Literally means “that which does not decay.”

The names of these naksthra are found in the taitriya-samhita of the Black Yajur-veda. Some of them viz. Tisya (i.e. pushya), Agha(i.e.Magha) Arjuni (i.e. Phalguni) Chitra and Revati  are earlier mentioned in the Rig-veda. These 27 naksgtra were utilized in the study of the positions of Sun and Moon.

Each Nakshtra or lunar constellation is governed by its planetary lord used for Vimsottari Dasa and K.P. calculations. To put it differently, Nakshtras of a native can be known with help of exact degree of Moon in a particular sign at the time of birth.
 The 360° zodiac is divided into 27 equal parts to achieve a single Nakshtra i.e. of 13° 20’. There are 27 Nakshtras, Every Nakshtra is further divided into four periods (CHARAN) i.e. 3°20’ .A Rashi consists of Two and a quarter of the Nakshtras. 

Calculation of NAKSHTRA

Nakshtra     =            Moon Longitude

The 27th part of the ecliptic is called a Constellation or Nakshatra. Each constellation / nakshatra occupy 360°/27 = 13°20' of the ecliptic or zodiac.
Mathematical calculations to find the Nakshtra any Planet falls in:

Nakshtra = Rashi*30 + Longitude of planet   +1
Zodiac = 360°

Complete Zodiac of 360° is divided into 27 equal parts called Nakshtra
So longitude of each nakshtra is = 360° / 27
                                      = 13° 20'
To get the nakshtra for any given day =longitude of the planet
Let us find out Nakshatra of Moon on 27th April 2014

Longitude of Moon on 27-04-2014
13° 20'


Longitude of Moon on 27-04-2014



Quotient = 25 + 1 = 26

26th nakshtra is Uttara bhadrapada

Nakshatra (Star) – Moon’s location
The position of moon in the zodiac (counted in intervals of 13°20') is indicated by the name of the constellation / Nakshatra it occupies. The time which the moon (whose motion continuously varies in speed) requires to travel over the 27th part of the ecliptic is also called the duration of the Nakshatra.
The length of the moon’s travel through Nakshatra is –    
Speed of Moon
Ghati -Pala- Vipala
Hours -Minutes- Seconds
66 - 21 - 0                
26 -  32 - 24
 60 - 42 - 53.4
24 - 17 - 9.36
55 - 56 - 0
22 - 22 - 24

Pada (Charana) of Nakshtra

Each Nakshatra is divided into four equal parts and each of them is called a Pada or Charana. Padas do not have any specific names and are referred as the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th pada of the concerned Nakshatra. There are 27 nakshatras to be related to 12 rashis. By considering 27 nakshatras as 108 padas, 9 padas account for 1 rashi.

Abhijit Nakshatra : The 3rd and 4th padas of Uttarashada and the 1st and 2nd padas of
Shravana are also referred as Abhijit Nakshatra.


1. Aswini 0° - 13° 20' Aries - 
(Deity -Aswini Kumaras i.e. Dashra & Nasatya, Brahma, Ganesh) -Favourable for Beginnings, Initiation, Laying foundations, Healing, Buying & Selling, Learning. ( 1st Pada is not auspicious).

2. Bharani 13° 20' - 26° 40' Aries - 
(Deity -Yama, Kali) - Favourable for Cruel,warlike activity, sexual activity, fertility rites, agriculture, beginnings & endings, purificatory rites, dealing with children.

3. Krittika 26° 40' Aries - 10° 00' Taurus - 
(Deity -Kartikkeya, Agni) - Favourable for Fire worship, Purification, initiative, taking leadership, cooking, nurturing, educational ventures, cutting.

4. Rohini 10°Taurus - 23° 20' Taurus - 
(Deity -Brahma) - Favourable time for planting, sowing, trading, financial activity, marriage, nature, romance,acquiring possessions.

5. Mrigashira 23° 20' Taurus - 6° 40' Gemini - 
(Deity -Chandra, Parvati) - Favourable for light enjoyments, travel, exploring, hunting, sex, artistry, healing, education, socializing, setting up altars.

6. Ardra 6° 40' Gemini - 20° 00' Gemini -
 (Deity -Rudra) - Favourable for destructive activities,intellectual, research & creativity, confronting difficulty.

7. Purnavasu 20° Gemini - 3° 20' Cancer - 
(Deity -Aditi) - Beginnings, Initiation, Laying foundations, Healing, Buying & Selling, Learning.Favourable for travelling, exploring, pilgrimages, healing, starting over again, philanthropy, spiritual, worshipping Mother goddess.

8. Pushya 3° 20' Cancer - 16° 40' Cancer -
 (Deity -Brihaspati) - Starting anything, Dealing with enemies, All nourishing and soothing activity, for most enjoyable activities, spiritual, seeking help.

9. Ashlesha 16° 40' Cancer- 30° 00' Cancer - 
(Deity - Nagas) - Favourable for administering poisons, filing lawsuits, scheming & plotting, sex, taking short term risks, kundalini yoga.

10. Magha 0° 00 Leo - 13° 20' Leo - 
(Deity -Pitris) - Ceremonies, Marriage, Stage & public performance, parades, award ceremonies, Historical study, job promotion, donations, religious activity, ancient knowledge, seeking favours from authority.

11. Purva Phalguni 13° 20' Leo - 26° 40' Leo
(Deity - Bhaga) - Favourable for marriage, sex, relationships in general, rest, relaxation, enjoyment, art, creativity, property matters.

12. Uttara Phalguni 26° 40' Leo - 10° 00' Virgo - 
(Deity -Aryaman) - Favourable for sex, marriage, beginnings,dealings with authority, openings, making promises, sacred ceremonies, charitable enterprise, paternal activity.

13. Hasta 10° 00' Virgo - 23° 20' Virgo - 
(Deity -Savitar) - Favourable for sun worship, arts, crafts, comedy,hobbies, planting and gardening, learning languages, magic tricks, business activity, marriage, buying, selling, bargaining, children, stealing, travel.

14. Chitra 23° 20' Virgo - 6° 40' Libra - 
(Deity -Vishwakarma) - Self improvement,buying new clothes & adornments, fixing up home, arts, crafts, technical, architecture, relationships, beautifying.

15. Swati 6° 40' Libra - 20° 00' Libra - 
(Deity -Vayu, Saraswati) - Favourable for business & trade, education, social activity, finances, grooming, planting, harvesting, diplomatic negotiation.

16. Vishakha 20° 00' Libra - 3° 20' Scorpio - 
(Deity - Indra, Agni) - Favourable for aggressive, warlike activity, executive, harsh,concentration, meditation, setting goals, ceremonies, social parties, romance, sex.

17. Anuradha 3° 20' Scorpio - 16° 40' Scorpio - 
(Deity -Mitra, Saraswati) - Favourable for group activity, research, study, occult, meditation, exploring nature, travel, foreign affairs, finances, secret activity, friendship.

18. Jyestha 16° 40' Scorpio - 30° 00' Scorpio - 
(Deity -Indra) - Favourable for harsh activity, judgement and punishment, taking control, authority, occult, helping elders, family matters, discipline & penance, magic.

19. Mula 0° 00' Sagittarius - 13° 20' Sagittarius - 
(Deity -Nritti, Kali) - Knowledge, oratory, herbs, medicines, agriculture, building foundations, adventures, cutting, self assertion, meditation, transformation, astrology.

20. Purva Shadha 13° 20' Sagittarius - 26° 40' Sagittarius - 
(Deity -Apah) - Favourable for courageous activity, adventures, confrontation, war, water activity, performance, agriculture, marriage, sex, sport.

21. Uttara Shadha 26° 40' Sagittarius - 10° 00' Capricorn - 
(Deity - Ganesh, 10 Vishvadevas) - Favourable for Beginnings, Planning, Spiritual activity, Business, Contracts, Marraige, sex, dealing with authority & legal matters, initiations of any kind.

22. Shravana 10° 00' Capricorn - 23° 20' Capricorn - 
(Deity -Vishnu, Saraswati) - Favourable for religious activity, new ventures, property, medicine and healing, advice, music, learning, languages, meditation, sex, organization, important communications, travel.

23. Dhanishta 23° 20' Capricorn - 6° 40' Aquarius - 
(Deity -Shiva, The Vasus) - Favourable for religious activity, creative, music, dancing, group work, celebrations, purchasing, travelling, lending money, spiritual, meditation, gardening, treating illnesses, promotion.

24. Shatabhishak 6° 40' Aquarius - 20° 00' Aquarius - 
(Deity -Shiva, Varuna) - Favourable for contracts, property, education, travel, meditation, sex, shamanic ceremonies involving plants, astrology, healing, technological activity, sea activity, solitude.

25. Purva Bhadrapada 20° 00' Aquarius - 3° 20' Pisces - 
(Deity -Aja-Ekapada, Rudra, Kali) - Dangerous, risky activity, mechanical or technological, death, endings, funerals, water, agricultural, penance, occult practices related to death issues.

26. Uttara Bhadrapada 3° 20' Pisces - 16° 40' Pisces - 
(Deity -Ahir Budhanya, Shiva) - Meditation, solitude, research, kundalini practice, making promises, contracts, marriage, construction, charity, sex, treating disease, gardening, dealing with organizations.

27. Revati 16° 40' Pisces - 30° 00' Pisces - 
(Deity -Pushan, Vishnu) - Initiations, Endings, Business, Finances, Trade, marriage, sex, religious ritual, travel, gemstones, purchasing, creative, charity, adoption, helping others, learning, healing, leisure.


The following group of five Nakshtras are considered as having five defects (Panchakadosha). They are Dhanistha, Shatabhisha, Purvabhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati.

Gand- Mool Nakshtra : 

A child taking birth in this Nakshtra, which consists of Jyestha, Aashlesha, Revati, Mool, Magha and Ashwini Nakshtra are not considered as auspicious. Therefore, for the pacification of this 'Moola Nakshtra', some specific rites are performed 27th days after the birth when the same Nakshtra returns. Out of these six Nakshtras, which constitute Moola Nakshtra, Jyeshtha and Moola are called 'Gandant Moola' and Aashlesha is called as 'Sarpa Moola'.


As the name of this Nakshtra implies, works like digging a well, or lying a foundation is considered as auspicious. This particular Nakshtra is itself constituted by Nakshtras. They are: Moola, Aashlesha, Vishakha, Kritika, Purvaphalguni, Purvashadha, Purvabhadrapada, Bharani and Magha.


For commencement of any work, these Nakshtras are considered as inauspicious. Therefore, commencing any work in this Nakshtra is prohibited if the days on which, this Nakshtra falls are as under-
Sunday - Bharani
Monday - Chitra
Tuesday - Uttarashadha
Wednesday - Dhanishtha
Thursday - Uttaraphalguni
Friday - Jyeshtha
Saturday – Revati

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