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Saturday 24 October 2015

Twelfth House in Vedic Astrology - Bhava XII

12th Bhava –
the house of Moksha or liberation
Vayay or Marak Bhava, house of self-undoing, resignation and withdrawal, a difficult house as it is “undermining”
According to Vedic astrologer, Dr. B.V. Raman, the twelfth bhava (house) "indicates misery, loss, expenditure, waste, extravagance, sympathy, piety, divine knowledge and worship, moksha (final emancipation) and the state after death"

Expressions Ascribed to the Twelfth Bhava

Anthyabha – last house


Lopasthana – house of disappearance

Bandha – bondage

Vigama Vyaya – loss or negation

Sayana – bed

Papa – sin

Daridrya – penury or poverty

Suchala – tale bearer, back biter

Vama nayana – left eye

Anghri – leg

12H is concerned with large, impersonal, institutions, such as hospitals, prisons, large bureaucracies, the civil service, etc. where "to serve" is the aim rather than to seek a profit and where the workers and managers are somewhat anonymous. Here we think of unselfish service. 
The twelfth house is also concerned with health, either as a profession, or how we deal with illness. It is also concerned with meditation (impersonal), self-sacrifice (selflessness) and charity (selfless giving). 
The twelfth house also indicates areas where we have secret enemies, which could be those aspects of ourselves which lead to our undoing.
The 12th bhava is the 2nd most feared bhava after the 8th bhava principally because it is the house negating the Lagna or self. As we all know Lagna represents I (my attitude) negatiing I or overcoming I leads to Moksha thats why this house is called house of Moksha. So, literally, the 12th house is the house of self-undoing, self-destruction, elements secretly undermining the self, backstabbers and ill-wishers and hidden big enemies. This idea of “undermining” forms the concept of the 12th link of negation or denial in bhava cuspal interlinks, the exception being the Lagna does not undermine or negate the 2nd house because 2nd house is the house of resources which supports the Lagna. The 12th house has, alike the 8th house, many negativity namely confinement, limitations, secret and covert acts, loss, waste, expenditure, self-denial, austerity, asceticism, reclusive, dissidence.
12 H being 11th from 2H denotes gains of 2H as Lord Krishna has said in Gita "अध्यात्म विद्या विद्यानां"  i e. the spiritual education is the best of all educations.
This is not without reason.
Why do we get education in this world at all·?
Obviously to earn.
Why do we earn?
To have pleasures of life.
All education of engineering, medicine and law leads ultimately to pleasure and joy or it is intended to lead us to them. The spiritual education gives us Moksha which has been defined as one that brings about utter and total destruction of sorrows, by removing the root cause of sorrow viz., birth itself and gives us eternal joy (Ananda). No worldly education is capable of securing wealth enough to give us eternal happiness. Hence the 12th house being the culmination of ananda is the gain of the highest of education.  

The 12th house rules a person's bondage, confinement, imprisonment, expenses, loss, poverty, misery, phobia, staying abroad, final emancipation, left eye and let leg. The 12th house shows final emancipation from the chain of births and deaths and his merger with the divine and the future state of his existence. The 12th house deals with loss and impediments, restraint and limitation, waste and extravagance, expenses and loss

The end of life in this birth and attainment of salvation (Moksha) losses, expenditure, charities, tendency to help others, sorrow, parting difficulties, suffering, punishment, banishment, cunningness, jealousy, suicide, murder, separation etc. are indicated by this house.
All aspects of one's life are included in the twelve houses and so necessarily the lists given above will have to be incomplete. However, these lists would give you an idea about the type of matters which are to be judged from each house.

This house refers to the twelfth sign of zodiac, the Pisces or the Meen or Meena. The natural significator of the twelfth house is the planet. The parts of the body ruled by the twelfth house are the feet. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the twelfth house signifies prisons, hospitals, asylums, reformatories, charitable institutions, criminals, spies, secret forces and secret enemies. It governs all the matters signified by the ministry of planning. 

12H  has an infectious and contagious effect usually disseminating the personal to the societal. 
The 12th house rules a person's bondage, confinement, imprisonment, expenses, loss, poverty, misery, phobia, staying abroad, final emancipation, left eye and let leg. The 12th house shows final emancipation from the chain of births and deaths and his merger with the divine and the future state of his existence. The 12th house deals with loss and impediments, restraint and limitation, waste and extravagance, expenses and loss. Whether such expenses will be pleasant and expected or unpleasant and unexpected will depend upon this twelfth house and transits and planetary periods in operation. It governs all types of purchases, investments, donations, charity and association with philanthropic institutions. Sorrow, sins, obstacles and impediments in one's way, misery and misfortune, poverty and persecution, intrigue and imprisonment, phobia, secret toil of mind, inferiority complex, anxiety, suspicion, silent suffering, self-undoing, secret working of the mind, secret enemies, plots and schemes, conspiracy, cunningness, envy, malice, fraud, treachery, and deception all come under the influence of the 12th house. This is also the house of the self-sacrifice and shows unselfish deeds. 
This house refers to the twelfth sign of zodiac, the Pisces or the Meen or Meena. The natural significator of the twelfth house is the planet. The parts of the body ruled by the twelfth house are the feet. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the twelfth house signifies prisons, hospitals, asylums, reformatories, charitable institutions, criminals, spies, secret forces and secret enemies. It governs all the matters signified by the ministry of planning. 

The twelfth house can refer to karma and spiritual matters. This is a house of non-self, which means it is concerned with large, impersonal, institutions, such as hospitals, prisons, large bureaucracies, the civil service, etc. That is areas where they claim to serve rather than seek a profit, and where the workers and managers are somewhat anonymous. Here we think of unselfish service. 
This also adds up to hidden matters. Sometimes this is because the good is not published (selfless service, modesty), and sometimes it is because the bad is concealed. But it also refers to hidden matters which are being uncovered, or research in science, or something else. It refers to activities behind the scenes, for good or bad. 
Anyone who reviews their life, is likely to think of things that they did not do, which they wished they had done, and things they did do, and wished they hadn't. This can result in some sorrow, and can also result in guilt or shame. It can also result in pride and satisfaction when we think of the good things we did (or even the temptations we resisted). 

It is the most mysterious house in vedic astrology. It is place of deep spiritual realization, of transcendence – and thus in a certain respect the most positive house of all.
Despite these negative qualities, the 12th house raises the hope of renewal as it is the house prelude to the Lagna or rebirth. Thus, it is symbolically the resurrection, reinvigoration and reinvention. Of course, in reality nobody would want to go through suffering to emerge with wisdom except for religious and fanatical martyrs, selfless reformers and people who are willing to sacrifice in
the belief for the greater good. 
The 12th is the last of the water element houses and triumvirate of moksha houses which indicates secrecy, stealth and covert acts done in private and solo. The 12th house is secretive because it is behind the Lagna, the 8th is secretive because it is obscured and obscuring, the 4th is secretive because it is the house of inner secrets of the inner heart, the inner sanctum and the private residence – they are all hidden because they are water houses. Retaining the depth and contemplative
aspects of the water element houses, the 12th is a research house and is the puram to the akam of 9th house’s research signification. It is also the house of sleep being the house of collective unconsciousness and when we sleep, we connect with the collective unconscious. The bed comforts and creature comforts associated with sleep is also the domain of the 12th house. However, the sexual act is part of the 5th house being an act of pleasure and carnal sense gratification and being placed
in an akam house firmly places the sexual act as a natural and instinctive act of “being” rather than a strenuous striving act of “becoming’. Therefore, we must distinguish the creature comforts of sleeping with the sensual pleasures of sex. 
A strong 12th house and a weak Lagna coupled by a fortified 6th and 10th house usually indicate a person who achieves a lot but receives hardly any recognition and accolades. This is because the 12th house can confer anonymity and invisibility on the native. Such natives may be in exile or alienated from society and have become unknown or persona non grata. They can submerge themselves
in the crowd and become part of the masses keeping low profile and a shadow existence. They are often the bizarrely individualistic and eccentric recluses and hermits of society who become anti-social misfits with unconventional behaviour and iconoclastic ideas. The 12th house retains a strong Saturnine quality as the last house of the chart and synonymous with Saturn as the outermost planet in the solar system, although in the Kalapurusha 12th sign, Jupiter’s Pisces defines the finality. Both
these planets are the natural karaka of the 12th house. Being a “malefic” house, the negative qualities of Saturn and Jupiter are manifested in loss and spendthrift wastrel tendencies respectively. Excessive loss and over-spending is a marked attribute of the 12th house.

Body Parts denoted by 12H
The body part associated with the twelfth house is the feet and ankles. Left eye

Objects: Drugs, sacred statues, crack pipe, meditation cushion, Airplane ticket

Planets in the Twelfth House:

Sun: Hermit nature, need for seclusion, absent father, lack of family support for ego-development, dominant mother, low self-esteem, the power behind the throne, trouble with authority figures. Search for personal identity.

Moon: Lack of nurturing as a child, absent mother, fear of appearing childish, need for meditation time, enjoyment of the bedroom, sensitive to sound, water is healing, success in foreign lands, spiritual mother with different religious beliefs, raised by siblings.

Mercury: Good for writing and keeping a journal, psychic nature, tendency to ramble in speech, excellent for research and working behind the scenes, poetic, worry or fear issues, creative dyslexia.

Venus: Good bed pleasures, fear of loss in love, little public display of affection, trouble in early marriage, hidden treasures and gifts. Love of mystery, good longevity, peaceful death, attains heaven.

Mars: Kuja Dosha, early marriage may end in divorce, passive-aggressive personality, possible hidden abuse issues, good for hatha yoga. Assertiveness training may be beneficial.

Jupiter: Good for meditation and yoga, Guru may be absent, hidden financial resources, discouraged to expand past parents narrow belief systems, attains heavenly state after death.

Saturn: Need for spiritual discipline, path of service, issues with fear and withdrawal, feet and/or eye problems, sexual dysfunction. Father not available, may seek older mates, heavy debts.

Rahu: Difficulties with sleep disturbance or sexuality, difficult to diagnose illnesses, astral disturbances, need to focus on sadhana or spiritual practices.

Ketu: Good for moksha or spiritual liberation, intuitive gifts, need for spiritual community or ashram, enjoys distant travels. Need to create a peaceful living environment.
To sum up the 12H represents:
12H explores the image of financial losses in the life of native. It makes a clear picture of the process of vanishing and decaying in the economic front of the person. It emphasize on the lavish expenditure of the money on unnecessary matters.

12H reveals the reason for the loss of casket to some extent. It predicts the possibilities of confinement in miserable conditions or imprisonment

12H also gives an idea about the nature of spending money on prohibited matters of the native.
It informs us about the possibilities of wastage of money through hospitalization.

12H tells us about the height of luxury the individual would enjoy in his life span. It presents the possibility of being at the peak of the luxury and at the bottom of the same sea as well.

12H predicts about foreign settlements of the person.

It tells us about the status of the sex life of a person.

12H gives an idea of the possibilities of loss of spouse in the early times.

It also predicts the exile of the soul from the human body.

Health problems explained by this house are related to sleep disorders, mental imbalance, feet, left eye, and death.

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