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Saturday 24 October 2015

Eleventh House in Vedic Astrology - Bhava XI

Eleventh House in Vedic Astrology - Bhava XI
Other Names: Labha bhava, Universal House of Gains,  bhava of universal consciousness i.e Rahu and Saturn, ‘The House of Good Fortune’
11H in Natural Zodiac: Aquarius (kumbha) ruled By Saturn and Co-ruled by Rahu.

Upachay Sthan
Badhak Sthan for Natives born in Chara Sign ( Aries-Cancer-Libra-Capricorn).
The Trine of 3 and 11 as also upachaya houses define the support of the chart. The 3rd is the younger sibling (also my own left arm) while the 11th is the elder sibling (also my own right arm) and both siblings or brothers are seen as brotherhood or fraternity which assist to support the self as Lagna or we can say my arms supporting my own self (lagna).

11H is house of gains, The 11th house is called the house of labha or gain because the 11th is the 12th negation to the 12th house of loss and expenses.
It is house of acquisitions, profits, receipts, planet in 11H is instrumental in bringing gains from the person etc represented by the house over which it has lordship. Sun in 11H ensures acquisition of ruing powers and courage and moon in 11H as lagnesh, the native is successful in attaining the main objective of life for which he has been striving.

The 3rd house signifies relations, neighbours, contracts any form of immediate support while the 11th represents network of friends, supporters and well-wishers who will assist the endeavors of the self in contrast to the 12th signification of secret underminers, backstabbers and negation. Thus, both these houses serve to support and bring up the self as Ascendant/Lagna with the 11th house being an elder sibling providing early support while the 3rd house being a younger sibling providing latter support thus forming the concepts for the multiplicity and supportive links of 3rd and 11th between house cuspal sublords.
The 11th house is very society and communal oriented because of its impact on society. The 11th house talks about merging into the masses, being part of consensus and forming excellent teamwork and networking. Like the Kalapurusha 11th sign of Aquarius, the 11th house represents all community efforts, social work, public welfare, friendship, networking, humanitarian work, Rotaract and interact clubs, places of socializing and interaction, group efforts and teamwork, camaraderie, accolades and rewards received from society for one’ social service and contributions to society, beneficial acts to society. The 11th house has an infectious and contagious effect usually disseminating the personal to the societal. The 11th house concerns the group, team effort, teamwork,
communal activity, clubs, organizations, associations and fellowships. The focus here is on group activity and camaraderie. The 11th house is the reflection of the 5th house of playfulness – thus, the camaraderie and feelings of fellowship are strong in terms of group playfulness and “hi-five” gesticulations.
Aquarius is the sign of the humanitarian who pours the medicinal waters or ether breath of life from the pitcher of bottomless depths to all. The pot of plenty or cornucopia also indicates fulfillment of desires and acquisition of plenty – Jupiter is the main karaka being the planet of abundance and gain.

Aquarius is the symbol of the scientist who innovates and invents for the good of humanity.
Friendly to a cause, socially inclined, social fighter, fighter for human rights, Amnesty International, beneficial and beneficent, Aquarians endeavour to improve the lot of humanity and not just for themselves. Group effort, teamwork, camaraderie and coordinated interaction are an important component of success because they believe that in the long run, benefitting society will benefit them and teamwork can bring success far greater than solo effort like the ants and termites
building colonies.
The Aquarian medicinal waters are important to a prashna question of recovery from disease. Should the 11th house (or 5th house) be linked to the Lagna via the sublord or the Lagna sublord is posited in either the nakshatra or sub associated with the 11th house (or 5th house), then the querent or subject of ailment will recover from the disease. The 11th house is the 6th from the 6th house and is a
derivative house of sickness, the 11th is the 12th negation to the 12th house of hospitalization and the 11th house is a reflection of the 5th house which is the medicinal cure or negation to the 6th house of disease.

The eleventh house is related to friendships and acquaintances, one’s income, monetary gains, accumulated wealth, honor , social success, friends and emotional attachments, elder brothers and sisters, progress for mankind, new inventions, bizarre circumstances, being or feeling different from the "norm", rebelliousness, and unexpected events.

This house refers to the eleventh sign of zodiac, the Aquarius or the Kumbh or Kumbha. The natural significator of the eleventh house is the planet Sun. The parts of the body ruled by the eleventh house are calves and ankles. As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the eleventh house signifies the parliament, House of Commons, legislation, associates or allies of the nation.

Friends, society, community, favourites, ambitions, wishes, desires and their fulfilment, gains of wealth, success in undertakings, incoming wealth, profits, prosperity, elder brothers and sisters, recovery from illness, dawn of fortune, ankles.

Summary of the 11th house – elder sibling, support, well wishers, group, teamwork, society, community, social service, public welfare, humanitarianism, networking, multi-level marketing, friendship, camaraderie, socializing, clubs, fellowships, ambitions, aspirations, hopes, fulfillment of desires, satisfaction, gain, income, science and innovation, rewards and accolades, contagion,
infection, greed, self-satisfaction.

Body parts of the 11th house include legs, shin and calves of the legs.

11th house adjectives include supportive, teaming, communal, social, beneficial, welfare, humanitarian, networking, friendly, sociable, fraternal, brotherly, aspiring, fulfilling, desirable, satisfying, contagious, infectious, greedy, self indulgent, hoarding, Jobs related to the 11th house include multi level networkers, social workers, humanitarians, group coordinators. The 11th negates the 12th because the 11th is the house of gain, income and profit while the 12th is the house of loss, expenses and wastage. The 11th promotes, rewards and recognizes the self in community while the 12th estranges, alienates and denounces the self in community.

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