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Sunday 18 October 2015

Tenth House in Vedic Astrology -Bhava X

The Tenth House is ruled by Capricorn/Makara and the planet Saturn.
Natural Significators: Saturn, Mars, Sun
10th House – house of career and reputation, height of prestige and accomplishments
The 10th house is called the house of karma or vocation and station in life.
-Also known as Agna - Meshoorana, apex of the horoscope
The 10th house is the house of action being the strongest house of the kendra or angular houses.
The 10th house is Maha loka, the sphere of karma and is ruled by Mercury, the karaka for trade and commerce and is the seat of the heart represented by the Anahata Chakra. Maha loka is a crucial point in the journey of the soul, as the karma executed would determine whether the soul would rise up to the higher lokas or digress towards another cycle of rebirth.

10th Bhava is also known as Karmasthana, also known as the Kirtisthana and the Rajyasthana.
From the 10th house is judged the rank and status, position and authority, command, ruling powers, means of livelihood and all actions dealing with it, respect, honour, father, living abroad, debts etc. According to Rudra, the word, 'respect', connotes all sentiments and experiences which elevate and uplift the feeling of self-gratification, and the honour and homage paid by others whether by members of a clan or community or government.
Vaidyanatha includes renunciation of worldly life and taking to asceticism, and Kalidasa adds trade, depositing of treasure, athletics, teaching, supremacy and fame as matters to be judged from this house. In general terms the 10th house refers to occupation, profession, and means of livelihood, temporal honours, foreign travels, self-respect, knowledge and dignity. The analysis of this house too needs the study of the strength of the house, its lord, its occupants, its karakas and planets aspecting it, and also the different yogas bearing on it.
The 10th House is the zenith point of the passage of the Sun through the 12 Houses, Sun being the natural atmakaraka or representative of our Soul. 10th House is where the Sun shines most visibly at maximum strength. It is where the Sun's hot rays, the radiance of our soul can make the most impact. It is where the soul's role is most important.
The 10th House is an Artha House. Artha means wealth and relates to resources. In a simplified way, the 10th House can be seen as our value as an individual during our short passage of time on this planet. 10th is the advanced house to the 6th house artha trine, accomplishments, achievements, recognition, name, fame, prestige, status and station in life. The 10th house is the summit or apex and represents the highest levels of achievements, the peak of career, superiors, bosses, government, favour from the government, businesses, enterprise, ventures and corporations and companies. Relationship of the self with the government, dignitaries, authority figures, royalties, bosses and superiors are defined by the 10th house. The 10th house defines people holding high position, rank and status and powerful people, politicians, top people, authority, high status and bourgeoisie, leaders, main or significant persons, famous people, prominent and eminent people in the industry, superiors and bosses, entrepreneurs and businessman, the government, dignitaries, representatives of the government or ruling party ie all people represented by significations of the Sun.
10th House also belongs to the kendra group of houses. It is the pinnacle of these angular houses. These kendra houses can be compared to the basic foundation of a building; the 1st House being the self, the 4th house being the environment in which that self is nurtured, the 7th house is where one engages the self to interact with the world around it, and the 10th house are the repercussions of that interaction, how one fits into the scheme of things, their piece in the puzzle.
The other grouping of houses which the 10th House belongs is the Upachaya houses, which are considered houses of growth, or affairs in life which improve with time and effort. Our maturity of life experience enables us to focus our interests in life better (3rd house),to face life with less fears (3rd house), to become skilful at what we do (6th house), to become an authority in our field (10th house) and to share our influence with others (11th house).
Summary of 10th house – career, profession, vocation, name, fame, recognition, achievement, accomplishment, title, awards, rank, status, station, prestige, power, publicity, eminence, well-known, renown, reputation, superiors, bosses, position of power and authority, position of status and rank, height of achievement, leadership, government, dignity, respect, top positions, top dog, authority, significance, prominence, business, enterprise, entrepreneurs, companies
Body parts of the 10th house are knees, kneecap as defined by the 10th Kalapurusha sign of Capricorn.
10th house adjectives include career minded, status conscious, accomplished, renowned, famous, eminent, preeminent, well-known, public, prestigious, reputable, reputed, powerful, authoritative, dignified, leading, excellent, outstanding, brilliant, bright, respectable, significant, main, salient, essential, prominent, enterprising, top, governmental, high ranked, bureaucratic, ambitious, aspiring, titled, recognized, Jobs related to the 10th house include government workers, politicians, businessman, entrepreneurs, directors, powermongers, bureaucrats, corporate man, authorities, publicist, managers.
 As per Mundane or State or Political Astrology, the tenth house deals with government and its affairs and its chief executive. It signifies the head of the State, whether monarch or president or prime minister, also royalty, nobility, the party in office, the national leaders, the upper level of society and those in authority, eminent and distinguished persons and the aristocracy. It governs the nation's honor, integrity, credit, power and status among the community of nations. This house provides the clue to the political situation prevailing in a country. It governs all the matters signified by the industries, public enterprises and commerce ministry.

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