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Thursday 15 October 2015

Ninth House in Vedic Astrology - Bhava- IX

9th House in Vedic Astrology

9th house in Vedic Astrology
9H in Naisargik Rashi Chakra -Dhanu (Sagittarius) - Dhanu is a fiery sign which means energy is in the form of fire /Light. This fire is called Brihat Agni or the light of enlightenment (Gyana) and it acts on Dhi Shakti (head) without this one cannot attain higher knowledge.
Lord - Devguru Brihaspati (Jupiter).
Other names for 9H: Pitri or Bhagya sthana, dharama stahna, tapas, TriTrine,
Cadent House
House of "dharma", "the law of one's nature", or "the principle of one's being". The ninth house shows our prime values, principles and ideals in life. It is the house of the father and his fate and also of his/her Grand children. Primarily known as the Dharma bhava or the house of righteousness
It is the prime house of grace, fortune and luck

It shows the influences or authorities which guide and inspire us. The 9th bhava signifies father, dharma, guru, past karma, bhagya, long journeys, thighs, Sister-in-law (brother's wife), journeys to holy places etc.

The ninth house concerns philosophy and higher learning, where we give our time and effort to expand one's potential. Here we think very deeply about things and travel long distances in order to gain knowledge.
From the principle of Trines, we know that Lord Brahma resides in the 1st bhava, while Lord Shiva resides in the 5th and Lord Vishnu in the 9th bhava. While the 1st bhava signifies 'ayu' (birth) and the 5th signifies prosperity, the 9th indicates 'dharma' since Lord Vishnu resides in it.

 It is he who fixes the dharma of the person and gives according to what he deserves. The 9th house signifies what is known as 'the higher mind' - that part of the mind linked to the faculty of abstraction and the intuitive process- as compared to the concrete mind shown by the 3rd house.  Mercury, the natural ruler of the 3rd and 6th houses is a fact-gatherer while Jupiter, the natural ruler of the 9th denotes the symbol-making capacity of the psyche the tendency to imbue a particular event or happening with meaning or significance.
The 9th house is the Svaha loka (planetary system) the realm of the gods and thus a domain of unending pleasure. This loka is therefore ruled by Venus and overlaps with the Manipur Chakra
The ninth house is considered to be most important house in the horoscope. It is termed as "House of good fortune". The ninth, like the ninth sign Sagittarius, shows our religious, philosophical or ethical principles or opinions. Meeting with spiritual guru, the first ideology/principle, otherwise known as dharma, is learnt from the house i.e., from the father.
Then comes the role of the teacher – Guru
The 9th bhava is also for discipline. It indicates 'Japa' which disciplines the person's life. This will reflect the extent to which the person will observe discipline in life and obedience towards his father and Guru.
9th bhava being the house of the Lord Vishnu, it also indicates temples and other places of worship
9th bhava also indicates the wife of the younger brother and also the wife's younger sister.
. Connection between the lords of the 9th and 10th bhavas will indicate "Dharmakarmadipati Yoga" which will mean that the person will use the principles (whatever acquired from family and from guru) in performing karma (job).
It also demonstrate the ability to earn through the importation, exportation or shipping of goods.
It is the house of religion, philosophy and law, and indicates our spiritual and ethical disposition.
It is the prime house of grace, fortune and luck, and gives sudden and unexpected gains in life.
The ninth house is the house of publishing and especially volumes of inherent value including subjects like religion, law, philosophy, science, international affairs, travel, and issues like light reading, news, and things pertaining to the ephemeral nature.
Association with good people, devotion to God and elders, punya or blessings from the previous birth is indicated. Providential help is received due to the placement of various beneficial planets because the lord is favorably placed in the bhava. The ninth house also governs the short travels of the husband, wife or business partner. It is the house of being friends with the elder brother and their accomplishments. श्रवण, कीर्तन,  स्मरण, पाद सेवन, अर्चन, वन्दन, दास्य, सख्य
All the affairs relating top temples, mosques, churches and religious institutions including the organizations devoted to promote the spiritual welfare of the people are attributed to the ninth house. 9th house is associated to pilgrimage to holy lands, wells, circular reservoirs, charity and sacrifices.
The house of the third bhava is the home of learning and perception and the ninth represents pure reason and intuition.
The amount of knowledge that one may develop may relate to higher education, research, learning, academic interests, literary pursuits and invention, discovery, exploration and submission of thesis.
The ninth house is indicated by visions and dreams
Facts are collected in the 3rd. but in the 9th conclusions are drawn from them: isolated facts are organized within the framework of a larger scheme of things or seen as the inevitable offspring of higher organizing principles.

 • The ninth house of the horoscope governs our higher cognition, religious beliefs, and level of awareness. It is also the house of higher education and philosophy and is connected with long journeys far from home. Some modern astrologers also give it an association with the law.
The Ninth House is opposite the Third House.
The 3rd shows your ability to learn specific skills, like reading and writing. The Ninth House indicates how you deal with generalities, the general principles behind things.
The 3rd is short trips, something in your immediate neighborhood or slightly further. The Ninth House deals with things at greater distances, such as trips requiring an overnight stay.
This is the house where you can find out about a person’s religion and philosophy, the general principles they believe, and also the principles they were raised with. Saturn here, for instance, shows discipline and the likelihood of a guilt trip.
While the 3rd house shows how we think about utilizing our own resources, the Ninth House tells us how we think about utilizing the resources of other people.
The third house has to do with perception, learning, and communication. It gives insight into an individual’s communication skills and how well he or she gets along with siblings and neighbours. It also deals with short day trips.
The ninth house is the opposite of the third house. It deals with how well you understand the principles. The ninth house also signifies a person’s philosophies a
In short we can say 9th house indicates dharma, religion, righteousness, luck, father, foreign travel, publicity, preceptor, higher education, higher learning, higher values, learnings, spiritual and ethical disposition, the Guru and the relationship with him/her, interest in teaching and spreading knowledge, writing books, also faith, wisdom, philosophy, doing good actions, good karma, justice, moral and ethics, wisdom, prosperity, powers of foresight, religious institutions, providential help, etc.
Hips, thighs are body parts denoted by 9th house and spiritual beliefs. It also rules longer trips that require overnight stay.

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