In palmistry 3H is represented by
the area between forefingers and thumb
Other Names for III House: Bhatru, Vikram, Shaurya or Sahaj Bhava,The third house is also called the Parakrama house. This house is also known as Apiklim, Upchaya (Upachayasthana is derived from the Sanskrit word उपचय which means increase) and Trishdaya house (evil houses - do not produce good results. However, they give good financial results. Malefics here give competitive spirit to fight against adverse circumstances and obtain gains even from enemies. The will to fight is generated in 3rd house, the enemies are found in the 6th house and the result of their struggle / competition is found in 11th house.
The grading of Trishadya houses in negative sense are 3rd > 6th > 11th house), CadentHouse
(Cadent means "falling, or coming to an end or resolution". The cadent houses are the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth. The keyword for cadent is "dispersal". One meaning of dispersal is "giving out"). 3rd house, is also the house of longevity
The 3rd house/Bhava (Bhratri Sthana ) indicates brothers –support from brothers, servants,
dependents and prowess.
It also tells of siblings
(especially the first brother or sister) and short journeys or minor changes and all means of local transportation and shipping. .
It involves the environment (It
also shows how well you get along with those in your immediate environment.), including neighbors.
The Third House is commonly
referred to as the House of Communication - both written and verbal.
The communication between the
individual and those he or she holds close: brothers and sisters, as well as neighbors. The third house also regulates fundamental education (nursery school through high school), Don’t count on any deep understanding here. The Third House is only for facts. It drives your relationships with siblings, cousins and neighbors co-workers and other individual peers and, finally, covers your perception of childhood experiences.
The third House is the House of Thought. There is a big emphasis on
communication, including language skills and literary work. It indicates how you think about
utilizing those resources accumulated in the second house.This house administers skills in writing, editing, speaking, thinking, reading, and conducting research, recording and lecturing
It covers your ability and desire to learn, and brings study opportunities your way. Under the influence of this house, someone would decide to learn languages or become a teacher.

The drafting of contracts and agreements, presentation of ideas and proposals, and commerce, including sales, marketing, public relations and self-promotion. It can indicate cleverness and shrewdness
The third house represents a constant search for knowledge and the experience of the immediate environment. Intellect, communication abilities and style of learning are described by the signs and planets in the third house as well as the desire to disperse the knowledge acquired.
Going from subject to subject and person to person to find every new bit of knowledge or gossip is fascinating to a typical third-house person in addition to talking about what is learned. Even the style of speaking and desire or reluctance to speak are third-house matters.
Whether information is quickly skimmed or read slowly and carefully is determined by planets and signs in the third house.
A person's confidence level regarding their ability to learn is also described by planets and signs in the third house.
Any kind of networking with people in the immediate community and travels around the local community are determined by the third house as these activities relate to communication and generally involve the exchange of information.
The atmosphere and feelings regarding early schooling are also described by the third house as this is where people begin their quest for information and learn to socialize and navigate in their immediate environment.
Deliberate actions, motivation, interests, hobbies, sports, pleasures, assistance, short-term desires, short trips, telephonic contacts, stamina, initiation into spiritual practices, things heard, earrings, singing, acting talent, playing on musical instruments, manual skills, computer skills, death of parents.
It also indicate quality of old age life, any affliction to it indicates old age problems. Nodal axis and Saturn are most common Malefic. This calls for proper planning and precaution to safe guard against likely problems in old age. For happy harmonized old life this house should have benefic influence.
It represents Small boat, big undertakings, one`s own religious duties, partition of property, sport, gains, dreams, paradise, deliberate actions, motivation, interests, hobbies battle, holy places, ornaments, transport, correspondence, writing, change of residence, contracts, agreements, anything you get in writing other than the legal implications of a contract, manuscripts, and letters, rumors carrying tales,telephonic contacts, stamina, initiation into spiritual practices, things heard, earrings, singing, acting talent, playing on musical instruments, manual skills, computer skills, death of parents.
Family members represented by third house:
Younger siblings, father – in – law, Maternal uncle of father, paternal uncle of mother, spouse of younger siblings of nephew and niece, close relations, neighbours, servants, maid – servant,
Younger siblings, father – in – law, Maternal uncle of father, paternal uncle of mother, spouse of younger siblings of nephew and niece, close relations, neighbours, servants, maid – servant,
Body Parts – Neck, throat, chest collar bones, shoulders, arms, part of the hand between thumb and index finger, right leg, right ear, physical growth / development, muscles and muscular strength, nervous system, thyroid glands, descent from a good family.
Materials – Road, cycle, bus, trams, trains, post and telegraph, television, mobiles, communications, correspondence, partition of properties, change of residence, printing press, library, ornaments, clothes, small and good vehicles and large undertakings.
Professions – Writers, journalists, media persons, publishers, astrologers, architects, mathematicians, accountants, brokers and commission agents, editors, reporters, negotiations and signing of agreements / contract, soldiers, army / police officers, persons with artistic abilities, sports persons and messenger.
Kaam Trikone - all types of desires, efforts to complete incomplete works and wants, to arrange comforts and luxuries. The 3rd, 7th, and 11th houses form Kaam Trikone, the triangle of activity, being houses of materialistic desires which include motivations to rise in life and become an “achiever”. 3rd house indicates courage, valour, strength, and ability to take risks in furtherance of desires. The desires are born in the 3rd house, get nourished with the help of partner and society and are fulfilled in the 11th house.
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