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Saturday 12 September 2015

Fourth House In Vedic Astrology - Bhava IV

Other names for 4th house:
Ambu, Hibuka, Paataala, Sukha, Surid * Suhrida, Griha, Matripadma or Matru sthan, rasatala, Bandhu Bhava Sukhasthan, Bhumi, Vahana

Bandhu: bandhu is derived from anther hindi word which means bandhna -To bind, tie, fix, fasten, chain, fetter; to bind round, put on, To bind together, Bandhu bhava binds via cultural roots, usually more strongly through the mother's birth culture; 
through patriotism and the homeland; 
through childhood schooling and indoctrination in to the cultural manners of one's people
Bandhu binds to the land through entitlements of ownership
Bandhu binds to society through licensing qualifying examinations, diplomas, licenses, proof of schooling.

Hibuka: name of the fourth Lagna or astrological sign, fourth astrological house

Sauhard(सौहार्द): good-hearted, kindhearted, well-disposed, a friend, ally (also said of planets as friends), The fourth astrology mansion a female friend, fond of, liking or devoted to, very similar to, closely resembling
Griha (गृह) =  house, habitation, home , "house of earth", grave, "the lower world" with names of gods, "a temple "

Patala:  Astronomically it is the place directly below us, the deepest point in the chart

In palmistry - 4th House is seen from Mount of Moon on Hand

4th House in kalpurusha chart - cancer ( karka)
4th Lord - Chandra = Karaka for Mother 
Chandra represents Mother = so 4H tells about mother.
Chandra also चन्द्रमाँ मनसो जातः represents one's emotional Self
The fourth house shows our emotional strength and our need and capacity for peace.

4H also signifies our other nurturers along with Mother. Those who take care of us, and who comfort us and/or those we comfort and nurture have to do with the fourth house. This may also include pets.

4H represents the childhood home - Because Mother is normally the absolute determiner of conditions in one's childhood home, 4H in effect also represents the Mother or primary caregivers who function in the Mother role.

But more accurately, 4H represents the mother's affairs (anything related to mother), conditions in the early childhood home, family lands and property, and all the mother's estate.
4 H signifies the activities we do to calm our emotional state were connect with others emotionally. These things may include meditation, serving food, cooking, going to therapy, watching television (escapism). Any place where we are taken care of and/or escape to try to feel good.

4th House dignifies all the materialisic facilities available being the sukhasthana.

4 H signifies the activities we do to calm our emotional state were connect with others emotionally.These things may include meditation, serving food, cooking, going to therapy, watching television

Prosperity, domestic surroundings, happiness, Our old age, private and public affairs, inheritance is analyzed from this house. 
In addition our sense of security, self-protectiveness, our nurturing ability vs. our need to be nurtured and instinctive emotional responses can all be assessed from this house. 
 Colors represented by 4H: pale red, pink, pallid; a pale red hue, rose color, saffron.
other things that we can see from 4H are a veil, cover, a basket, chest, box, A heap, mass, multitude (esp. in comp. with a word denoting "cloud"')  An enclosing or surrounding skin or membrane (esp. of the eyes), a film over the eyes, cataract, A chip, piece, portion, A section or chapter of a book, Train, retinue, A (sectarian or ornamental) mark on the forehead or other parts of the body with sandal-wood , A tree or a stalk

Body Parts represented by 4H are the chest and breasts. This is the heart region in our body, which also contains our lungs. It also represents stomach, elbow joints etc

4th house people: Mother and other nurturers. Those who take care of us, and who comfort us.

Activities: Things we do to calm our emotional state were connect with others emotionally. 

Environment: Our Home, the kitchen, a restaurant, a spa, a counselor's office, the living room, any place where we are taken care of.

Objects: Our house, our car, our furniture, television, other things that give comfort and relaxation.

4th House in Jyotisha Classics

Bhava Kutuhalam:
If the 4th Lord in conjunction with Ascendant Lord is situated in the 4H The native gets a very big house, If he is in trika house (6/8/12), he gets reversed effects such effect has been said by the learned astrologers to be given by the Lords of the 4th and the Ascendant House.

About houses and lands
If the 4th is movable sign and the lord of the 4th, is in Lagna, which is a movable sign, and the Karaka of the 4th Bhava, (the Moon or Mercury) is also in a movable Lagna. the person will live in several houses.

BPHS Chapter 11:5 

From the fourth Bhava, one can predict about one's relatives, house, mother, water, physical growth, and comfort; as also one's vehicle, heart, army, seat, bed, happiness and underground water are to be consulted through Bandhu Bhava."

Phaladeepika, Ch1, Shloka 11-12

"House property, land and agricultural fields, maternal uncle, a sister's son, relatives, friends, conveyance (vehicular), mother, cattle wealth, scents and perfumes, dress material and garments, jewelry, happiness (sukha), the nadir, Hibuka, water, bridge and river are the names to indicate the 4th house."

Madhya Parashari, Ch. 9, Shloka 4
"From the fourth house know the mother, conveyance, relatives, State Protection, house, friend, and armaments."
4 rules vehicles which provide protected movement using a shell, a foundation, and a seat (the vehicle's shell may be very basic such as a barge raft, but the shell still provides a minimal protection from the surrounding air, water, fire, earth etc.)

Astronomically it is the place directly below us, the deepest point in the chart.

4th house also represents mother's womb where we are totally detached from ourselves- hence 4th house is also for mother apart from moksha, being the first house of “Moksha - Trine”.

5th house represent Lord Vishnu (Sustenance) and 4th being 12th from there represent loss of that sustenance.

Who look outside dreams; who looks inside wakes. -Karl Jung
In the first house we are virtually unaware of ourselves in any objective sense. In the second house we discover that we have our own shape and boundary which distinguish us from everything else. In the third house we turn our attention to what surrounds us in our immediate environment. As we reach Nadir / 4th house it`s time to pause and assimilate what we have learned. 
4th house in addition to describing our inherited origins and that which resides deep within us is associated with the home base in general. 
What kind of atmosphere do we create in the home? 
What do we attract to ourselves there?
What qualities in the home environment do we most naturally resonate with?
planets in 4th house gives the answers to above questions.

4H depicts our origin and also associated with how we end things.
Venus in 4H ends things neatly and fairly, all tied up in  a pretty bundle. Saturn may prolong or begrudge an ending, Moon often slips away quietly and peacefully. Mars ' go out with a bang'
4H also suggest the conditions surrounding the second half of life. What is most deep in purselves comes out at the end.
Psychotherapy, self-reflection, various forms of meditation- everything which takes us into ourselves - brings the energies of 4H to the surface.


  1. Dear Ma'am, Thanks for this wonderful blog. Its informative and easy to understand and forms the base of our learning as we proceed further taking each step towards being astrologers. Thanks again. Regards, Niti Chandra (Jotish Parveen I)

    1. Thanks Niti for appreciating my work. May the light of Jupiter shine upon you


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