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Tuesday 7 June 2016

'Shakti Yoga' - 'शक्ति योग'

Rahu and Moon influencing the ninth house (dharma which is Marana Karaka sthana for Rahu) causes Sakti Yoga which can be very destructive.

According to Sage Jaimini ( jaimini sutras Ch. 4), it´s formed when

1. both Rahu and Moon are conjunct in the fifth or the ninth house.

2. One of them is placed in the fifth or ninth house and the other aspects the fifth or ninth house.

3. Both of them aspect the fifth or ninth house without being placed there.
it´s supposed to generate tremendous power from good merit from previous lives.

This is caused by yuti of Chandra with Rahu in trines from Lagna. Although Rahu moon conjunction occurs for nearly four days every month but for this yoga to fructify it should happen in trines to either Lagna or Atma karaka

The shakti yoga mostly under benefic influence can be the reasons of destructive events in the life and the beauty of this yoga is that even under malefic aspects the native gains the power to take away pains and miseries of the world.
The moot point is that the ninth house is the world view and shows how we look at the world. Rahu influencing the ninth house shows a very negative world view. Such a view becomes very diabolical if the Moon conjoins Rahu in which case the native shall have a strong grouse against society (Moon) in general or a community in particular. Other planets joining the Sakti Yoga of Rahu and Moon show the ultimate action that the native takes.
For example, if Jupiter conjoins then guru-candala yoga functions and mass death occurs.

(Rahu represents the Goddess Maa Durga which is the root of this yoga)This is a powerful yoga and will give significant results
 (some take aspect of Rahu on Chandra to constitute this yoga also)

Example for studying the power of this yoga
 The charts of Adolf Hitler have this yoga 

rahu in 9H (Dharma sthan) is aspected by Moon from 3H. Association of Jupiter with Moon and rahu aggravates the power of this yoga. And we all know how Hitler was responsible for mass destruction. was very determined to attain His goals even at the cost of death of others. 

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