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Monday 9 May 2016

Upagrahas - Astronomical Points on the Ecliptic

In Vedic astrology three different types of celestial bodies are mentioned to be considered for Vedic astrology. These are Grahas, Upagrahas and Nakshatras. 

The celestial bodies that emit light of their own are known as stars of Nakshatras.

The Grahas have no light of their own, but have a physical mass, whereas the upagrahas neither has mass nor have light but these are just mathematical points calculated in the sky. 

The Upagrahas are also called the Secondary planets or Apraksha Grahas. Their position depends only on the longitude of the Sun.

There is mention of  5 Aprakash Grahas, 5 Upagrahas and Pranapada in Brihat Parashar Hora Shashtra. These are astrological sensitive points and behaves like shadowy planets but effect the life of native at a very subtle level. 

The effects of these Upagrahas are visible throughout the life especially in the dasha of the planets associated with them, some associate them with the pancha tattvas. They are symbolic of the sin of the atman (that is why they are calculated from the Sun). They are seen as the papa purusha- the sinful side of a person.

Upgraha position in certain angles indicate misery and loss. In muhurta Upagraha positions is used for the purpose of judging whether a particular time was good for travel.

Important Terms and Concepts:
1 day = 24 hrs = 60 Ghati;
1 Hr = 2.5 Ghati;
1 Ghati = 60 Vighati = 24 Minutes
1 min = 2.5 Vighati

Ishta Kaala = Birth time – Sunrise/ Sunset (Time elapsed after sunrise or sunset)
Ishta Ghati = Ishta Kaala measure in ghati;  
Dinamana = Duration of the day = Sunset – Sunrise
Ratrimana = Duration of the night = Sunrise of next day – Sunset
Sunrise Definition = Apparent rise of upper limb of Sun (as seen on a clear day)

There are nine Upagrahas linked to the nine Grahas. These are Kaala,  Dhuma,  Parivesha,  ArdhaPrahar, Yamakantak, Vyatipata,  Gulika / Mandi,  Inderchapa, Upakethu.

These nine upagrahas are categorised in two categories.
The first category has Gulika, Ardha Prahar, Yamkantaka and Kaala.
The second category consists of Dhuma, Vyatipat, Indradhanush and Upaketu.

(Refer Jatak Parijata chapter II Sloka 6):

ध्वजः शिखी केतुरिति प्रसिद्धा तजज्ञ गुलिकश्च मांदी:
उपग्रहा भनुमुखग्रहांशा काला दयः कष्टफलप्रदा स्यु: ||5||

Sloka.5. Dhwaja, Sikhi and Ketu are, as astrologer declare, the well, known names of Ketu, The Son of Manda or Sani is called Gulika. Minor planets Kala and others (to be enumerated in the coming sloka) are portions belonging to Ravi and other planets and produce painful consequence

क्रमशः काल परिधि धूमार्द्ध प्रहराहया:
यमकंटक कोदण्डमंदि पातोपकेतव ||6||

Sloka. 6. The Upagrahas in their order are Kala, Paridhi, Dhuma, Ardhaprahara, Yamalantaka, Kodanda Mandi, Patha and Upakethu.

Following Upgrahas  rise  after a different time each day in which the days and nights are equal i.e. 30ghatis. The postions of the Upgrahas are different during the birth in day or the birth during the night and they are tabulated below:
Yama Kantak      
Ardha Prahar
Day      Night
Day        Night  
 Day     Night  
Day     Night
26      -     10     
22       -       6   
30      -       6
14       -    30
22       -    6    
18        -     2   
2         -      14 
26     -      10
18       -    7     
2           -   26  
22    -          6   
6       -     22
14      -   26 
26         -    10    
2        -      30  
18    -        14
10      -   22     
22         -     6       
6         -        2   
30     -       26
6        -   18     
18        -      2 
14          -     22  
10      -     6
2        -   14 
14        -      26    
6              -    2  
22       -   18

If the days and nights are not equal to 30 ghatis then the rise of the Upgrah is proportionately changed.
Upgraha = Position of Upgraha on the day  x  Dinman/Ratriman /  30 Ghatis

For example if the birth of Native has taken place on Monday in then daytime and duration of day (Dinman) is 25 ghatis then the position of Mandi will be :
Mandi = 25 x 22 ÷ 30 = 18.33 ghati or 18ghati 19pal  48 vipal
Mandi will be in the Sign rising at 18ghati 19 pal 48 vipal on the day.
Similarly Longitude of other Upgrahas can be calculated.

For finding their several positions on any particular day Astrologers have certain conventions

When the length of day or night is 30 ghatikas, 
the position of Mandi on the week days counting from Sunday onwards 
is at the end of ghatikas 26, 22, 18, 14, 10, 6 and 2 during daytime.

These figures have to be proportionately increased or diminished according as the length of day chosen is greater or less than 30 ghatikas. 

But since the lords of the first 7 Muhurtas in the night are counted, not from the lord of the weekday chosen, but from that of the 5th, the position of Mandi at night time will be different on the week days, viz: at the end of ghatikas 10,6, 2,26,22,'18 and 14 respectively

The position of Yamakantaka during daytime on weekdays is at the end of ghatikas 18, 14, 10, 6, 2, 26, &22:

Of Ardhaprahara, at the end of ghatikas 14, l0 and 6, 2, 26, 22-and 18;

Of Kala, at the end of ghatikas 2,26,22,18, l4, l0 and 6.

The position of Dhuma is found by adding 4 signs, 13 degrees and 20 minutes to the figures for the Sun.

Subtract Dhuma from 12 to signs, the result is Vyathipatha.

This increased by 6 signs, becomes Parivesha or Paridhi. When Parivesha again is subtracted from 12 signs, we get Indrachapa.

Add to this 16 degrees, 40minutes;  Kethu is obtaiued. Kethu increased by one sign will give the figures for the Sun.

Dhanus, Karmuka and Chapa are all synonyms.

For detailed effects of the several Upagrahas occupying one or the other of the 12 bhavas, please refer to Brihat parasara hora shashtra. 

Six of these (Mandi, Dhuma, Paridhi' Kodanda' Pata and Upaketu) however appear to have been specially noticed. The author has dealt with Mandi almost elaborately in Slokas I to 9 of Adhyaya IX. The remaining five are generally known as Dhumadi Papchgrahas (धूमदिपग्रहा ) and for their effects, see slokas 13, 14 of Adhyaya XIV.

Calculating Aprakash Graha

(Shloka 61-64-BPHS)
त्र्यंशाढ्यविश्वभागैश्च चतुर्भैः सहितो रविः।
धूमो नाम महादोषः सर्वकर्मविनाशकः॥ ६१॥
tryaṁśāḍhyaviśvabhāgaiśca caturbhaiḥ sahito raviḥ |
dhūmo nāma mahādoṣaḥ sarvakarmavināśakaḥ ||3.61||

धूमो मण्डलतः शुद्धो व्यतीपातोऽत्र दोषदः।
सषद्भोऽत्र व्यतीपातः परिवेषोऽतिदोषकृत्॥ ६२॥
dhūmo maṇḍalataḥ śuddho vyatīpāto'tra doṣadaḥ |
saṣadbho'tra vyatīpātaḥ pariveṣo'tidoṣakṛt ||3.62||

परिवेषश्च्युतश्चक्रादिन्द्रचापस्तु दोषदः।
वित्र्यंशास्यष्टिभागाध्यश्चापः केतुखगोऽशुभः॥ ६३॥
pariveṣaścyutaścakrādindracāpastu doṣadaḥ |
vitryaṁśāsyaṣṭibhāgādhyaścāpaḥ ketukhago'śubhaḥ ||3.63||

एकराशियुतः केतुः सूर्यतुल्यः प्रजायते।
अप्रकाशग्रहाश्चैते पापा दोषप्रदाः स्मृताः॥ ६४॥
ekarāśiyutaḥ ketuḥ sūryatulyaḥ prajāyate |

aprakāśagrahāścaite pāpā doṣapradāḥ smṛtāḥ ||3.64||

Add 4 Signs 13°20'of arc to Sun’s longitude at a given moment to get the exact position of the all inauspicious Dhoom. who gives great harm and destroys all action.

Reduce Dhoom from 12 Signs to arrive at Vyatipat. Vyatipat is also inauspicious.

Add six Signs to Vyatipat to know the position of Parivesh. He is extremely inauspicious.

Deduct Parivesh from 12 Signs to arrive at the position of Chap (Indra Dhanus), who is also inauspicious.

Add 16° 40’ minutes to Chap, which will give Ketu (UpaKetu), who is a malefic.

By adding a Sign to UpaKetu, you get the original longitude of Sun.

133° 20’ + Longitude of  Sun
Vyatipata (Pata)           
360°     –  Dhuma
Paridhi (Parivesha)        
180°     +  Vyatipata
Chapa (Indrachapa/ Kodanda)
360°     –  Paridhi
16° 40’  +  Chapa

These are the Grahas, devoid of splendour, which are malefics by nature and cause affliction.
Affliction by the aprakash grahas is determined by conjunction with the Sun, Moon, or Lagna.

सूर्येन्दुलग्नगेष्वेषु वंशायुर्ज्ञाननाशनम्।
इति धूमादिदोषाणां स्थितिः पद्मासनोदिता॥ ६५॥

65. Effects of Sub-Grahas. If one of these afflicts Sūrya, the native’s dynasty will decline, while Chandra and Lagna, respectively, associated with one of these, will destroy the longevity and wisdom. So declared Lord Brahma, the Lotus-Born.
 If Conjunct the lord of the Sun, the lineage is hurt and there may be damage to procreative abilities. This is called Brahma Shraap.
If the aprakash grahas are conjunct the Moon's lord, the longevity of the person is hurt, this is called Shiva Shraap.
If there is a conjunction with the Lagnesh, the wisdom of the person may be afflicted or the brains destroyed. This is called Visnu Shraap.
The Lagna, Sun and Moon are the tripod of life and are destroyed by the Papa Purusha.
There are three levels to this type of affliction. Firs if they are in the same rasi, next if they are in the same naksatra, and third if they are in the same navamsa pada.
1. Same Rasi- shows affliction to resources (adridha karma)
2. Same Nakshatra- shows affliction to the mind (dridha-adradha karma)
3. Same Navamsa Pada- shows affliction to one's fortune (dridha karma- generally not able to cure/fix if it is caused by one's bhagya)

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