In classic Vedic literature great importance is given to the five Panchamahapurusha Yogas. They refer to five classes of extraordinary persons born under particular configurations.
These yogas are “Ruchaka Yoga”, formed by Mars,
“Bhadra Yoga”, formed by Mercury,
“Hamsa Yoga”, formed by Jupiter,
“Malavya Yoga”, formed by Venus, and
“Shasya Yoga”, formed by Saturn.
The primary rule for the creation of these Yogas is as follows:
• The planet forming the yoga must be in it’s own, or exaltation sign, and in an angle from the Lagna or the Moon.
Such a planet will be very powerful and all too apparent in the life and character of the native.
Sloka VI.4 of Phaladeepika says these yogas make one “fortunate; a king or equal to a king; an emperor or superior to an emperor.”
Ruchaka Yoga is formed when Mars in posited in a Quadrant ( 1- 4 -7 10 ) in its own sign, Mool Trikona or exaltation sign.
Exalted in Capricorn upto 28°
Moola Trikona in Aries upto 12°
Own House (ruler) Aries and Scorpio
The person is good looking and handsome, with a prominent face, beautiful eyebrows, dark hair and clear, somewhat darkish complexion. The waist is slim and so are the lower limbs.
The person is bold and courageous, full of strength and vigor, and eager to pursue adventurous activities where from name and fame is gained. The person is, of royal bearing and ever intent on combat, the commander of an army or leader of a gang of thieves and annihilator of opponents. The person has great capacity for discrimination and is devoted to elders, preceptors. The person is well versed in sacred scriptures and lives happily up to the age of 70. The death will come in the vicinity of a temple.
Ruchaka Yoga Table is given below for every ascendant
In Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces ascendants this yoga can not occur.
Result of Ruchaka Yoga(Yogphal/effect)
As per Mantrshwara’s Jatak Phal Deepika
दीर्घास्यो बहुसाहसाप्तविभवः शूरोऽरिहन्ता बली
गार्विष्टो रुचके प्रतीतगुणवान् सनापतिर्जित्वरः |
dIrghAsyo bahusAhasAptavibhavaH shUro.arihantA balI |
gArviShTo ruchake pratItaguNavAn sanApatirjitvaraH ||
Meaning: Person born with Ruchaka Yoga has a long life. The native is strong, valorous and destroyer of enemies. Ruchak jatak has material comforts and has a good number of followers in masses. Has visible calibre with chesty mindset. Native is born with leadership qualities and becomes head of army/land and victorious through out.
कुजो रुचकयोग यूथे भूलाभं धनालाभञ्च दारापुत्रा अभिवर्धनं |
भ्रात्रीसौख्यं मनोत्साहं कृषिमूलाधनागमं विशेषतः || - जातक मार्तण्डम्
kujo ruchakAyog yuthebhoolAbham dhanalAbhAnchA dArA puthrA abhivardhanam |
bhrAthrI soukhyam manotsAham krIshimoolA dhanAgamam viseshthaH || - Jataka Marthandam
The native who has Ruchaka yoga formed by Mars the person gains land and property money. Blessed with wife/ wives and sons/ children. Brothers/ siblings are cause of happiness in the life of such native. The person is cheerful exquisite in temperament, farming and agriculture is source of good income especially.
Ruchaka in Sanskrit means ‘having, showing or conforming to good taste’. In other references a type of salt is named Ruchak in Aayurveda. One of the southern peak of Sumeru Parvatis Ruchak.
The Ruchak Yoga jatak has all the good qualities associated with planet Mars. Like bravery, power, victory, proud. The native is of strong physique. Mars is being planet for war so obviously Martians are supposed to be great in strength.
Region related to Ruchak yoga
Since the yoga is related to Mars and Cardinal direction of South is for Mars in general; regions south to Vindhyachal and further South of Sahyadri range (Satpura Parvat) relates to Ruchak Yoga.
In Jatak Paarijaat territory defined for Mars is from Krishna River in the North to Lanka in the south.
लङ्कादिकृष्णा सरिदन्तमारः सितस्ततो गौतमिकान्त भूयः |
विन्ध्यान्तमार्यः सुर्निम्ङ्गान्तं बुधः शनिः स्वात्तु हिमाचलान्तम् || - jatak parijat (chapter 2 shloka 25)
Native having Ruchaka Mahaprursha Yoga in Their Kundali
Prabhu Sri Ramachandra, Gautama Buddha,Swami Vivekananda, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, Adolf Hitler, Aiswarya Rai Batchan,
Hindi film’s Tiger hero Salman Khan has Ruchaka Yoga in his tenth house. The Yoga Karak Dabang Mangal (Mars of 10°) in its exaltation sign Capricorn and positioning in quadrant (10th house) is giving rise to this yoga. Tenth House being house of Karma, name and fame etc. in astrology.
The Ascendant lord Mars in tenth house made him a self made person. Not every sons or daughters who have film background see the place which Salman Khan has created for himself.
Horoscope Salman Khan

Salman Khan Horoscope

These yogas are “Ruchaka Yoga”, formed by Mars,
“Bhadra Yoga”, formed by Mercury,
“Hamsa Yoga”, formed by Jupiter,
“Malavya Yoga”, formed by Venus, and
“Shasya Yoga”, formed by Saturn.
The primary rule for the creation of these Yogas is as follows:
• The planet forming the yoga must be in it’s own, or exaltation sign, and in an angle from the Lagna or the Moon.
Such a planet will be very powerful and all too apparent in the life and character of the native.
Sloka VI.4 of Phaladeepika says these yogas make one “fortunate; a king or equal to a king; an emperor or superior to an emperor.”
Ruchaka Yoga is formed when Mars in posited in a Quadrant ( 1- 4 -7 10 ) in its own sign, Mool Trikona or exaltation sign.
Exalted in Capricorn upto 28°
Moola Trikona in Aries upto 12°
Own House (ruler) Aries and Scorpio
The person is good looking and handsome, with a prominent face, beautiful eyebrows, dark hair and clear, somewhat darkish complexion. The waist is slim and so are the lower limbs.
The person is bold and courageous, full of strength and vigor, and eager to pursue adventurous activities where from name and fame is gained. The person is, of royal bearing and ever intent on combat, the commander of an army or leader of a gang of thieves and annihilator of opponents. The person has great capacity for discrimination and is devoted to elders, preceptors. The person is well versed in sacred scriptures and lives happily up to the age of 70. The death will come in the vicinity of a temple.
Ruchaka Yoga Table is given below for every ascendant
In Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces ascendants this yoga can not occur.
Result of Ruchaka Yoga(Yogphal/effect)
As per Mantrshwara’s Jatak Phal Deepika
दीर्घास्यो बहुसाहसाप्तविभवः शूरोऽरिहन्ता बली
गार्विष्टो रुचके प्रतीतगुणवान् सनापतिर्जित्वरः |
dIrghAsyo bahusAhasAptavibhavaH shUro.arihantA balI |
gArviShTo ruchake pratItaguNavAn sanApatirjitvaraH ||
Meaning: Person born with Ruchaka Yoga has a long life. The native is strong, valorous and destroyer of enemies. Ruchak jatak has material comforts and has a good number of followers in masses. Has visible calibre with chesty mindset. Native is born with leadership qualities and becomes head of army/land and victorious through out.
कुजो रुचकयोग यूथे भूलाभं धनालाभञ्च दारापुत्रा अभिवर्धनं |
भ्रात्रीसौख्यं मनोत्साहं कृषिमूलाधनागमं विशेषतः || - जातक मार्तण्डम्
kujo ruchakAyog yuthebhoolAbham dhanalAbhAnchA dArA puthrA abhivardhanam |
bhrAthrI soukhyam manotsAham krIshimoolA dhanAgamam viseshthaH || - Jataka Marthandam
The native who has Ruchaka yoga formed by Mars the person gains land and property money. Blessed with wife/ wives and sons/ children. Brothers/ siblings are cause of happiness in the life of such native. The person is cheerful exquisite in temperament, farming and agriculture is source of good income especially.
Ruchaka in Sanskrit means ‘having, showing or conforming to good taste’. In other references a type of salt is named Ruchak in Aayurveda. One of the southern peak of Sumeru Parvatis Ruchak.
The Ruchak Yoga jatak has all the good qualities associated with planet Mars. Like bravery, power, victory, proud. The native is of strong physique. Mars is being planet for war so obviously Martians are supposed to be great in strength.
Region related to Ruchak yoga
Since the yoga is related to Mars and Cardinal direction of South is for Mars in general; regions south to Vindhyachal and further South of Sahyadri range (Satpura Parvat) relates to Ruchak Yoga.
In Jatak Paarijaat territory defined for Mars is from Krishna River in the North to Lanka in the south.
लङ्कादिकृष्णा सरिदन्तमारः सितस्ततो गौतमिकान्त भूयः |
विन्ध्यान्तमार्यः सुर्निम्ङ्गान्तं बुधः शनिः स्वात्तु हिमाचलान्तम् || - jatak parijat (chapter 2 shloka 25)
Native having Ruchaka Mahaprursha Yoga in Their Kundali
Prabhu Sri Ramachandra, Gautama Buddha,Swami Vivekananda, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, Adolf Hitler, Aiswarya Rai Batchan,
Hindi film’s Tiger hero Salman Khan has Ruchaka Yoga in his tenth house. The Yoga Karak Dabang Mangal (Mars of 10°) in its exaltation sign Capricorn and positioning in quadrant (10th house) is giving rise to this yoga. Tenth House being house of Karma, name and fame etc. in astrology.
The Ascendant lord Mars in tenth house made him a self made person. Not every sons or daughters who have film background see the place which Salman Khan has created for himself.
Horoscope Salman Khan
Salman Khan Horoscope
When Mars occupies Kendra which should be Own house or exalted house, then Ruchaka Yoga is caused. Mars is the indicator of commanding, strong physique. A person with Ruchaka yoga will be head of army, strong body, well built physique
ReplyDeletetop Indian astrologer in london
In a horoscope, Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga is shaped whilst one of the 5 planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are effective, i.e. near their factor of exaltation, and are in a kendra from Moon or Lagna.
ReplyDeleteFamous Astrologer in USA
Mars forms ruchak yog - when ever mars is in aries , scorpio or capricon in kendra ; ruchak yog is formed . It bestows native with fame , land and property , authority , courage , valour , great physic and a bold attitude .
ReplyDeletefamous Indian Astrologer in Edmonton
Mercury forms bhadra yog - when ever mercury falls in virgo or gemini in kendra ; bhadra yog is formed . It bestows native with intelligence , rational thinking , good speech , good education anf skills in business .
ReplyDeleteFamous Astrologer in Brooklyn
If a person has one of these yoga will be fortunate ; two equal to a leader ; three will be a leader ; four legendary person ; five greatest . But more than one panch mahapurush yoga is very rare to find .
ReplyDeletepersonal problem solution astrologer
Panch Mahapursuha yoga is formed by Mars, Mercury,Jupiter and Venus only.
ReplyDeleteThe condition for Panch Mahapursuha Yoga is as follows: Above mentioned planets should be in Kendra houses(1st,4th,7th and 10th) and same time should occupied their own, mooltrikone or exalatation sign.
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ReplyDeleteI wanted to know that as you all said above I belongs to Ruchaka yoga ( as my lagna is tula and rashi is also tula my second house have budh and guru,third has sun and saturn,fourth house has venus, 5th and 6th are empty seventh house has MARS, 12TH HOUSE HAS RAHU which made me an epileptic patient still I AM FINE WITH THE MEDICINES AND VERY COURAGEOUS AND ALWAYS EAGER TO GET KNOWLEDGE) BUT OVER ALL I NEVER SUCCESS TO EARN MONEY WELL THOUGH I WAS AN PROMINENT PHYSIOTHERAPIST,ALWAYS HELPFUL TO OTHERS. NOW MY QUESTION IS I have very enlarged prostate and surgery is must How my mars going to save me now? Can any of you answer me? I can't pay for it.I am depended on my wife today at this age of 60+ (mind it my brain is 92 years old now due to anti -epileptic medicines taking since childhood). If you want to research please find it and reply me at my email address . Thank you for your valuable time.
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